Form to Sub Form - Don't work as I'd like (beginner)



I am an absolute beginner, so any help gratefully acepted.

I have set up a form (Form - Ordors) with a sub form (Subform - Ordors).

The form is great. e.g. when I type in (or select) a customer name the
details drop in automatically and I have an automatic order number appearing.

When I try and enter details in the subform, the details change: Ie.g. I
select a product and the details update perfectly (totals etc okay).

The problem is when I move to a new order, the form keeps the same details
and if I try and change them the details on ALL orders change.

Please help


Jeff Boyce

To what table or query is the sub-form bound? The symptom you describes
sounds like what I'd expect to see if the sub-form was "unbound".

Also, Access can automatically handle relating sub-form records to their
"parent" record (displayed on the main form). Which fields is your subform
control using to connect to its "parent" record?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Thanks very much fot your peompt reply. To be honest I haven't a clue ir
it's bound or not.

I have seen some 'unbound' things, so I might be able to look for it!

If I go into design view and click on the subform and look at its
properties, I can't find anything about unbound anywhere. Am I looking in
the wrong place? I have tried to copy Northwind exactly (obviously got it
wrong though)



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