Form to JPG / Capture Screen with .NetFramwork

  • Thread starter Thread starter nullman
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,
I need to know If I can convert to JPG or If I can capture the Form and
store it in .jpg o .bmp .
I want to "capture" the view status of Form of my application and store it
in .jpg file

Can anyone help me ?
I haven't found information about ...

Well unless you want to build an entire HTML rendering engine yourself, you
will probably need to perform the "capture" on the client side.

I have no idea if this would work, but an approach you could take:

Create a javascript (maybe an embedded .NET client side component?) that
performs the windows screen capture (can you do a SendKeys for the
PrintScreen key?)
Save the image to a bitmap file on the client's computer (good luck)
Post the bitmap file to an ASPX page that accepts file upload, using the
Html InputFile control.
Convert the bitmap to JPG using System.Drawing.
I'm sorry, I forgot what group I was in (I just came from the ASP.NET
group). After realizng this, and re-reading your post, I figure you are
probably talking about a WinForms application, and not a Web app.

So, completely ignore my post.

Although, the idea about sending the PrintScreen key using some sort of
SendKeys method would probably still be applicable.