Using mid([FullName],instr([FullName],",")+2,instr([FullName]," ")-1), on
some of the names it works, but then on others it doesn't do anything, and
then on others it takes too much off of the name (part of the first name will
be missing). I am running this query in a macro, and the names in the excel
spreadsheet are in all caps. after running this query, I run an update query
to put them in proper case. Should I run this query first before trying to
trim off the excess after the first name?
If you could assume that the first name contains no spaces, you could do the
starting with the first name field:
mid([FirstName],1,instr([FirstName]," ")-1)
unfortunately some people have names like Mary Sue, and in this case you
would only get Mary.
now if you are staring with the fullname, you could do the following
mid([FullName],instr([FullName],",")+2,instr([FullName]," ")-1)
Please let me know if I can provide more assistance.
Since most of the names in the table I am importing are Last, First MI (Some
with Jr or III after the first name) is there a way to trim all that off
after the first
name? Everything after the first name shows up in the FirstName field.
use the SELECT DISTINCT in your query and you will remove duplicates.
Please let me know if I can provide more assistance.
I'm an idiot, never mind. Is there a way when running my macro and using the
"TransferSpreadsheet" when it creates the new table or appends the data into
an existing table it can prevent duplicates. I would set up the macro to
delete the table before doing the "TransferSpreadsheet", but if the table
doesn't exist already it stops the macro.
Actually, everytime I import the records, then delete them (I'm still in the
testing phase), and then re-import them, it copies the records same amount of
times I've imported them. For example, if I have done this process of
importing and deleting seven times, then each record is copied into the table
7 times!!!
For some reason, when it is copying each record five times into the new
record. I have 642 records in the first table, and then the second table
ends up with 3205 records. Here is the SQL Statement:
INSERT INTO Contacts ( LastName, FirstName, Rank, Religion ) IN 'k:\BE.mdb'
SELECT Left([FullName],InStr([FullName],",")-1) AS LastName,
Mid([FullName],InStr([FullName],",")+2) AS FirstName, tblImport.RankId,
FROM tblImport;
Or should I post this in the queries thread?
The 2 functions that Chris gave you are fields and should go in the first
column on the query grid, not in the Criteria, they are functions for the new
fields that you are appending to.
Please let me know if I can provide more assistance.
Reply in text:
What I would do is to import the excel speadsheet into a new table and use an
append query to append the records to your main table.
As far as the Excel file being in seperate locations you could use a file
dialog box
Place the result on a form and create a macro that reference that result
In the apped query you would add two fields to sepeate the name
I tried doing this by putting these lines in the Criteria section of the
append query, but it's not working. If I put it like it is, then as soon as
I try to navigate out of the Criteria box, I get an error about an invalid .
or ! or parantheses. What am I doing wrong? I don't know much about append
queries, sorry. The names in the code are the names of my fields, so if you
showed me the SQL statement I might be able to figure it out. Thanks for
your help.
I have created a database that I need to be able to create a form that allows
a user to import an excel spreadsheet to set up the database with their data.
One of the problems is that the spreadsheet will not always be in the same
place for each user, and the spreadsheet will have a name field set up with
"last, first mi" whereas my database has "LastName" and "FirstName" fields
(no MI). How would I create the form and code it so that I'd be able to
accomplish this? Thank you so much for the help, I know it will take a lot.