If I'm keying my web site's address into the browser, complete the form
located on the web site and submit it; I get the FrontPage error to report
details to this site's webmaster and to see the server's system log for more
When I have FrontPage open in the Remote Web Site View, and click on the
View your Remote Web site hyperlink in the lower left corner, my site opens.
I complete the form and submit it without error and receive a confirmation.
What is going on? What do I need to do?
Thanks for any assistance.
If I'm keying my web site's address into the browser, complete the form
located on the web site and submit it; I get the FrontPage error to report
details to this site's webmaster and to see the server's system log for more
When I have FrontPage open in the Remote Web Site View, and click on the
View your Remote Web site hyperlink in the lower left corner, my site opens.
I complete the form and submit it without error and receive a confirmation.
What is going on? What do I need to do?
Thanks for any assistance.