I'm certain this has been answered somewhere but I couldn't locate the answer.
Three tables, one a junction table.
Table 1 tblMembers...
Table 2 tblPractice (Sessions...)
Table 3 tblJunction Table...
I'm having a brain lapse into how to connect the form and subform. The main
form is based on tblMembers, the subform is based on tblPractice and has the
practice sessions the member has attended. There are times I will do the
opposite (list the Practice session with the members that were present.)
Record Source *tblMembers & *tblPractice (???)
SubForm is tblPractice Linked by MemberID field (from tblMembers and
1. I want the subform to display the practice sessions the member has
attended as I move through the records on the mainform. (Should be easy,
just not sure what sources to use of the three and/or query?)
2. I want to be able to add a practice session to the member from the
subForm (probably via a combo box in the subform datasheet). This is if the
member has attended a session that is in the tblPractice.
I would greatly appreciate any input.
Three tables, one a junction table.
Table 1 tblMembers...
Table 2 tblPractice (Sessions...)
Table 3 tblJunction Table...
I'm having a brain lapse into how to connect the form and subform. The main
form is based on tblMembers, the subform is based on tblPractice and has the
practice sessions the member has attended. There are times I will do the
opposite (list the Practice session with the members that were present.)
Record Source *tblMembers & *tblPractice (???)
SubForm is tblPractice Linked by MemberID field (from tblMembers and
1. I want the subform to display the practice sessions the member has
attended as I move through the records on the mainform. (Should be easy,
just not sure what sources to use of the three and/or query?)
2. I want to be able to add a practice session to the member from the
subForm (probably via a combo box in the subform datasheet). This is if the
member has attended a session that is in the tblPractice.
I would greatly appreciate any input.