Form/Subform Links and Temp Tables

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tblTempFlights tblempHours
fltID fltID
fltDate Staff
Aircraft Hours
etc etc.

I have a form (frmFlightEntry) based on the tblTempFlights and [fltID] is an
There is a subform (database view)(sfrmFlightHours) based on the
tblTempHours which is linked to the frmFlightEntry based on the fltID.

The forms are cleared on update (after appending the data to the perm tables)

I would like to have Staff names stored in the tblTempHours so when I open
the subform, I do not have to fill the names in. I have entered the names in
the table, but they do not show up on the form.

I believe this is because the fltID has not been assigned as yet.

I thought about using a for loop to enter the fltID into each record in the
subTable so it links correctly and all the staff appear, and then requerying
the table. I am not sure of syntax for this plus, it just seems there should
be an easier way.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
Ok, I changed the delete macro to code and deleted all but the names. Might
be an easier way, but this worked and I understand it, so that is a good
Teach me to fish! Thanks for the help.
Pax, M