Table tbl_PrspDemoInformation - Contains address, phone et
Table tbl_ProspectInformation - Contains academic information High School, GPA et
Form frm_PrspDemoInformatio
Tab Control called Academic control name tab_Academic. Subfrm_ProspectInformation is sitting on top of this tab
If a user does not enter a high school name in the subfrm_ProspectInformation field name PrspInfoHSAttend control name PrspInfoHSAttend I want to populate this with a default of 6666666 which is also known as Unknown. This is a combo list box. List is coming from table tbl_HighSchoo
If that field is automatically populated I also want field name PrspInfoClassification which is also known as PrspInfoClassication with the default of FR also known as Freshman. This is also a combo box. List is coming from table tbl_Classification
By accomplishing the two steps above this will ensure that a record is always generated in table tbl_ProspectInformation once a user goes to a new record or save the record etc
I received the following from Albert Kallal. By the way thank you. This is simple and sweat and exactly what I'm looking for. Only problem is that it doesn't work. For some reason the Set ctl = Me!tab_Academic.Form!PrspInfoHSAttend appears in yellow and I have no idea what its looking for. So I can't even get to the second default in this case. This is exactly what I'm looking for though. Short and sweat. Wasn't looking for the not working part though. lo
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate(
Set ctl = Me!tab_Academic.Form!PrspInfoHSAtten
If IsNull(ctl) = True The
ctl.Value = 666666
End I
End Su
Can someone please provide me guidance. What I would like to do is throw out the window the person that originally designed this thing but at this point I can only settle for a solution to this problem. I know it has to be a simple answer. I just don't understand why I can't find that answer
Next project is developing a audit trail database. That should be fun. Really would like to move on to it though was this problem is fixed. Please someone help.
Table tbl_ProspectInformation - Contains academic information High School, GPA et
Form frm_PrspDemoInformatio
Tab Control called Academic control name tab_Academic. Subfrm_ProspectInformation is sitting on top of this tab
If a user does not enter a high school name in the subfrm_ProspectInformation field name PrspInfoHSAttend control name PrspInfoHSAttend I want to populate this with a default of 6666666 which is also known as Unknown. This is a combo list box. List is coming from table tbl_HighSchoo
If that field is automatically populated I also want field name PrspInfoClassification which is also known as PrspInfoClassication with the default of FR also known as Freshman. This is also a combo box. List is coming from table tbl_Classification
By accomplishing the two steps above this will ensure that a record is always generated in table tbl_ProspectInformation once a user goes to a new record or save the record etc
I received the following from Albert Kallal. By the way thank you. This is simple and sweat and exactly what I'm looking for. Only problem is that it doesn't work. For some reason the Set ctl = Me!tab_Academic.Form!PrspInfoHSAttend appears in yellow and I have no idea what its looking for. So I can't even get to the second default in this case. This is exactly what I'm looking for though. Short and sweat. Wasn't looking for the not working part though. lo
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate(
Set ctl = Me!tab_Academic.Form!PrspInfoHSAtten
If IsNull(ctl) = True The
ctl.Value = 666666
End I
End Su
Can someone please provide me guidance. What I would like to do is throw out the window the person that originally designed this thing but at this point I can only settle for a solution to this problem. I know it has to be a simple answer. I just don't understand why I can't find that answer
Next project is developing a audit trail database. That should be fun. Really would like to move on to it though was this problem is fixed. Please someone help.