Form resize event

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim Bunton
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Jim Bunton

Access 2000 windows xp

Private Sub Form_Resize()
debug.print me.width
end sub

I'm epecting the value of the width to change as I resize the form when
but it doesn't.

why do I want this value?
to change the size of a control within the form. to match the resizing of
the form.
Try using the InsideWidth property.
Debug.Print Me.InsideWidth

There is also an InsideHeight property.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Thanks John - yes - the values are now altering as expected.

Always great to have Access to an MVP's inside knowledge

It is not "inside knowledge". It is simply the result of using the product a
lot, making almost all the mistakes that can be made, and discovering a
solution through trial and error or assistance from others.

Glad to help.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Oops? Didn't mean to suggest anything sinister about inside knowledge - just
a joke relating to "inside width" property.

Ah well - I have heard it said that puns are a pretty poor sort of humour.

I felt a bit daft having missed the property. I must have looked down the
list three or four times at least. I had a look at some code I'd written to
do the same thing with my 1990 something version of Visual Basic a year or
two back now and it all worked with just the width and height properties.

I'll have a peek at the group again and see if I can give some others the
benefit of my long history of trials and tribulations over the years.

Many thanks again and really sorry for any misunderstanding.

Jim Bunton