Form Question (Simple)




I think i have a simple question but i just cant get it to work!

I have a table "Order" which contains two fields "Sales Order" and
"Channel PO".

Sometimes it is necessary to re-map a sales order to a have a new
channel PO.

The Sales order is the primary key in my order table.

I want a form that will have a Drop down box that contains all Sales
orders from the order table, when one is selected a text box should
update with the channelPO - which allows the value in Channel PO to be
edited, then saved...

I cant work out how to do this any ideas?


Make a new form based on the table. Then, add a combo-box using combo-box
wizard. You add a combo box by opening the form in design view, and making
sure the "toolbox" is visible (view>toolbox). Also, make sure the "control
wizards" feature on the toolbox is "pressed" (selected). Then, click on the
combo box control on the toolbox and then drag (left click and hold) in your
form where you want to put the combo box. Then release the mouse button.

The wizard will pop up. Just follow it. One of the choices will be
something like "find a record on my form based on the values I choose in the
combo box". That's the one you want.


PS: If you already have your form, you can just add the combo box.

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