Hello all,
This is going to be a little long.
I created a form using Form Wizard using two tables. tblEvents an
tblProductType. tblEvents has ALL fields included and tblProductTyp
only one, ProductType. Both tbls are joined.
When creating the form, I tell the wizard to view the data b
tblProductType and the subform is a datasheet.
I removed the default tblProductType text box and replaced it with
combo box that list all ProductTypes. This works great. However,
want to add two more controls that are MSComCtl2.DTPicker. I then ad
a buttton to the form and delete the OnChange event from the drop dow
box and add a OnClick event to the button. When I press the button
want to search tbleEvents with the dropdown box info and bot
Here is the code:
Private Sub Command26_Click()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object
Dim mystartdatestr, mycompdatestr, temp As String
mystartdatestr = DatePart("m", [mystartdate]) & "/" & DatePart("d"
[mystartdate]) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy", [mystartdate])
mycompdatestr = DatePart("m", [mycompdate]) & "/" & DatePart("d"
[mycompdate]) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy", [mycompdate])
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "([ProductID] = " & Str(Me![Combo13]) & ") AN
([tblEvents].[StartDate] = " & mystartdatestr & ") AN
([tblEvents].[CompletedByDate] = " & mycompdatestr & ")"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub
I get a message that says it doesn't recogniz
([tblEvents].[StartDate]. How can I remedy this?
Thank you in advance
This is going to be a little long.
I created a form using Form Wizard using two tables. tblEvents an
tblProductType. tblEvents has ALL fields included and tblProductTyp
only one, ProductType. Both tbls are joined.
When creating the form, I tell the wizard to view the data b
tblProductType and the subform is a datasheet.
I removed the default tblProductType text box and replaced it with
combo box that list all ProductTypes. This works great. However,
want to add two more controls that are MSComCtl2.DTPicker. I then ad
a buttton to the form and delete the OnChange event from the drop dow
box and add a OnClick event to the button. When I press the button
want to search tbleEvents with the dropdown box info and bot
Here is the code:
Private Sub Command26_Click()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object
Dim mystartdatestr, mycompdatestr, temp As String
mystartdatestr = DatePart("m", [mystartdate]) & "/" & DatePart("d"
[mystartdate]) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy", [mystartdate])
mycompdatestr = DatePart("m", [mycompdate]) & "/" & DatePart("d"
[mycompdate]) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy", [mycompdate])
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "([ProductID] = " & Str(Me![Combo13]) & ") AN
([tblEvents].[StartDate] = " & mystartdatestr & ") AN
([tblEvents].[CompletedByDate] = " & mycompdatestr & ")"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub
I get a message that says it doesn't recogniz
([tblEvents].[StartDate]. How can I remedy this?
Thank you in advance