I have a room reservation app that is shaping up OK but it still has
some things that I would like to improve on. I have created forms for
each of the computer rooms in our organization. The rooms are DLR1,
DLR2, and a few others. The form entitled DLR1 pulls information from
a Query called DLR1. The DLR1 Query pulls only records for room DLR1.
So far so good. When the user sees the form called DLR1 they are
seeing the appropriate records for that form.
The problem comes when the user *enters* a record into that form.
Unless they specify "DLR1" for the location, it doesn't record it as
the DLR1 room. Since that form is displaying only DLR1 records, it
appears to the user as a redundant and unnecessary entry. I can see
why it is necessary to specify a room because MS Access doesn't know
what room it goes in unless it is told. But to the user it looks like
an unecessary step. Is there a way to overcome this? I hope this was
clear. Thanks.
Here's a link that shows what I am trying to describe.
some things that I would like to improve on. I have created forms for
each of the computer rooms in our organization. The rooms are DLR1,
DLR2, and a few others. The form entitled DLR1 pulls information from
a Query called DLR1. The DLR1 Query pulls only records for room DLR1.
So far so good. When the user sees the form called DLR1 they are
seeing the appropriate records for that form.
The problem comes when the user *enters* a record into that form.
Unless they specify "DLR1" for the location, it doesn't record it as
the DLR1 room. Since that form is displaying only DLR1 records, it
appears to the user as a redundant and unnecessary entry. I can see
why it is necessary to specify a room because MS Access doesn't know
what room it goes in unless it is told. But to the user it looks like
an unecessary step. Is there a way to overcome this? I hope this was
clear. Thanks.
Here's a link that shows what I am trying to describe.