I have worked out how to get my Access 2K Db window to open in the
centre of the screen with the first form maximised. I now need to
make a pop up form appear in the top right hand corner of access
window (or the top Right hand corner of the maximised form). I have
found code in the forums but it seems to apply to the form area and
will not work when the form is maximised, despite playing around with
it for a few weeks I can not make it work.
OK what would be a God sent is if someone more cleaver than I could
send me an example where this actually works
centre of the screen with the first form maximised. I now need to
make a pop up form appear in the top right hand corner of access
window (or the top Right hand corner of the maximised form). I have
found code in the forums but it seems to apply to the form area and
will not work when the form is maximised, despite playing around with
it for a few weeks I can not make it work.
OK what would be a God sent is if someone more cleaver than I could
send me an example where this actually works
