Hello, all. I have a problem that has eaten away a lot of time and I still
can't figger it out.
Form A opens dialog form B. Both are displayed. Form B has radio buttons
for running reports. When a report is chosen, and OK clicked, the report
preview runs, form B closes, all as coded. HOWEVER, Form A now is the
active window and is over the middle of the report. How can I make the
report window the active window?
reports!rptName.setfocus does not work.
TIA UpRider
can't figger it out.
Form A opens dialog form B. Both are displayed. Form B has radio buttons
for running reports. When a report is chosen, and OK clicked, the report
preview runs, form B closes, all as coded. HOWEVER, Form A now is the
active window and is over the middle of the report. How can I make the
report window the active window?
reports!rptName.setfocus does not work.
TIA UpRider