I have a form that adds a new record when you start typing
in the Form Fields. Once the record is saved to the table
it moves to the null record in a table (Code looks
something like this "Private Sub onsendclick() Docmd
Goto.goto last" and the process starts all over.
My problem is that I don't want the user to be able to
navigate back to the previsous record. I took out the
navigation buttons from the form but the mouse wheel will
still allow you to scroll back.
Is there a way to turn this feature off?
in the Form Fields. Once the record is saved to the table
it moves to the null record in a table (Code looks
something like this "Private Sub onsendclick() Docmd
Goto.goto last" and the process starts all over.
My problem is that I don't want the user to be able to
navigate back to the previsous record. I took out the
navigation buttons from the form but the mouse wheel will
still allow you to scroll back.
Is there a way to turn this feature off?