form header

  • Thread starter Thread starter kathy
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Can the form header's size be changed? How?

Can the form header's color be changed? How?

Thank you!
Can the form header's size be changed? How?

Yes. Place your mouse pointer on the top of the Detail section divider. It
should change shape. Click and drag the divider down as far as you need.
You can also use the property sheet to set the Height property of the
Can the form header's color be changed? How?

Yes. Change the Backcolor property in the property sheet of the header.
I used the wrong term. The part of the form I'm trying to
resize and change color is the bar across the top of the
form. Can this be done?
Oh, that be a different ball game all together. That is controlled by your
system settings. You would have to hook an api to do that and that's not my
baliwick. Steven Lebans, where are you when we need you/ <g>
BTW, you can change it easily by changing the display property for windows
in Control Panel, but that will change every window on your computer.
kathy said:
Can the form header's size be changed? How?

Can the form header's color be changed? How?

Thank you!

Open the form in design mode. Drag the borders of the form header
section to resize it. Double-click on the form header section to open
the properties sheet and change the backcolor property to change the
header color.

Hope this helps,

Peter De Baets
Peter's Software - MS Access Tools for Developers
As Lynn mentioned, that's a Windows thing. I'm not sure there's a way to
change it without changing it for *all* windows.

Changeing the color might be relatively easy but changing the height of
the Title Bar area would requrie subclassing the Form and that is a
problem with A2K or higher. I cannot think of a situation where it would
be worth the effort.

Alternatively, if the form does not require the ability to be moved by
the user, you could:
Turn off the props to display the Form's TItleBar area
Place a Rectangle/TextBox control at the top of the Header section -
size and color as desired.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
I cannot think of a situation where it would
be worth the effort.

That was my thought -- too much work for the result
Alternatively, if the form does not require the ability to be moved by
the user, you could:
Turn off the props to display the Form's TItleBar area
Place a Rectangle/TextBox control at the top of the Header section -
size and color as desired.

Yeah, that's a cool solution (as you always come up with), but I doubt most
people would want to lose the ability to move a form.