I'm building a database to record payments for martial arts classes. Most
students pay on a monthly basis. Students have different begin dates and
monthly payments are due one month after registration. Ex: registration is
5/3/09 so payments are due on the third day of each month. How can I have
the DateDue post automatically in my subform so I don't have to enter this
every month. The purpose is to have Access post an automatic late fee if
paid X # of days late.
I have a parent form for the student classes with tuition amount, a begin
date and end date, and a monthly payment
amount. In the subform, I have the fields DateDue, AmountDue, DatePd and
I'm building a database to record payments for martial arts classes. Most
students pay on a monthly basis. Students have different begin dates and
monthly payments are due one month after registration. Ex: registration is
5/3/09 so payments are due on the third day of each month. How can I have
the DateDue post automatically in my subform so I don't have to enter this
every month. The purpose is to have Access post an automatic late fee if
paid X # of days late.
I have a parent form for the student classes with tuition amount, a begin
date and end date, and a monthly payment
amount. In the subform, I have the fields DateDue, AmountDue, DatePd and