I'm trying to nail my problem - a simple sales form linked
to a transaction table, where I display in the form footer
a groupby summary of each [salesman] and their [sum of
sales] for the displayed records.
Paul suggested a subform, which I am having trouble with
the query as I want it to track the form recordset and any
filters. Jonathan suggested dsum, but this only gives
totals for a given salesman (ie. current record) but I am
after a groupby list of all displayed salesman.
Both ideas are appreciated, but I haven't been able to
solve it. If I use a subform I can include fields from the
form recordset in the recordsource property in a query,
such as:
SELECT forms!mainform.form.salesman FROM forms!
mainform.form.recordset where ... groupby...
All seems to work except the FROM clause, which I can't
seem to establish any reference to the form recordset. I
can use the forms recordsource, which is a simple SELECT
query, but this is all records not the displayed ones. Can
anyone help here? I need the form recordset as the subform
FROM source.
So close, yet so far...
Thanks in advance, especially Paul & Jonathan.
I'm trying to nail my problem - a simple sales form linked
to a transaction table, where I display in the form footer
a groupby summary of each [salesman] and their [sum of
sales] for the displayed records.
Paul suggested a subform, which I am having trouble with
the query as I want it to track the form recordset and any
filters. Jonathan suggested dsum, but this only gives
totals for a given salesman (ie. current record) but I am
after a groupby list of all displayed salesman.
Both ideas are appreciated, but I haven't been able to
solve it. If I use a subform I can include fields from the
form recordset in the recordsource property in a query,
such as:
SELECT forms!mainform.form.salesman FROM forms!
mainform.form.recordset where ... groupby...
All seems to work except the FROM clause, which I can't
seem to establish any reference to the form recordset. I
can use the forms recordsource, which is a simple SELECT
query, but this is all records not the displayed ones. Can
anyone help here? I need the form recordset as the subform
FROM source.
So close, yet so far...

Thanks in advance, especially Paul & Jonathan.