Thore Berntsen
I have the following problem:
- In the main form my of application (Form1) I show another form (Form2)
using Show() or ShowDialog()
- While I'm in Form2 i open up another application, say PocketWord.
- I close PocketWord and Form2 get's focus back.
- But when I close Form2 PocketWord gets focus, not Form1 !
- I have tried to call this.Show, this.Focus, this.BringToFront and the API
call SetForeGroundWindow in Form1, but none of that brings Form1 back to the
top with focus.
Can anyone help?
Thore Berntsen
- In the main form my of application (Form1) I show another form (Form2)
using Show() or ShowDialog()
- While I'm in Form2 i open up another application, say PocketWord.
- I close PocketWord and Form2 get's focus back.
- But when I close Form2 PocketWord gets focus, not Form1 !
- I have tried to call this.Show, this.Focus, this.BringToFront and the API
call SetForeGroundWindow in Form1, but none of that brings Form1 back to the
top with focus.
Can anyone help?
Thore Berntsen