That means your host does not have Email transport enabled under the FP SE - contact them
| Thanks to all for your input, however, I have spent my
| entire work day checking everything you have mentioned.
| I'm still having the same problem.
| I have found now, when I remove the e-mail receipt on the
| form this error msg disappears. But, I have always used
| the e-mail receipt and have never had a problem before?
| Let me know if you can help, or need any other info.
| Thanks,
| Wayne
| FP 2002
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Wayne,
| >
| >Aside from the extensions being corrupt this could also
| >appear as result of the configuration of your form
| >properties. It would of course be helpful to see the
| form
| >page URL.
| >
| >As Tom pointed out, something as simple as a backslash
| >instead of a forward slash could produce this.
| >Misspelling, missing URLs and missing improper file name
| >paths can be the culprit as well.
| >
| >Mike,
| >
| >Visit my form tutrials
| >
| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>When I have completed a form and published to the web,
| >>I'm seeing a message [FrontPage Save Results Compenent]
| on
| >>the form.
| >>
| >>I have published many forms before and have never seen
| >>this msg. I have checked the HTML code and can't find
| it
| >>there either.
| >>
| >>How do I lose this msg.
| >>
| >>Your help is appreciated!
| >>.
| >>
| >.
| >