Form does not show previously entered records

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When I open my data entry form it shows the original 4 records that were entered even though I have entered a total of 15 records. When I look in the table all 15 are there. The data entry property of the form is set to No. I can enter new records to the form. When I check the table the new record is there. When I go back to the form, it does not show that record. How can this situation be corrected?
Is it possible that your form's Record Source is a query
that has selection criteria set such that it doesn't
select the new records?

Kevin Sprinkel
-----Original Message-----
When I open my data entry form it shows the original 4
records that were entered even though I have entered a
total of 15 records. When I look in the table all 15 are
there. The data entry property of the form is set to No.
I can enter new records to the form. When I check the
table the new record is there. When I go back to the
form, it does not show that record. How can this
situation be corrected?

A form's Record Source may only be a single table or
query. The query may include fields from multiple tables.

Please post the value in the form's Record Source
property. I suspect this will be the name of a saved
query or an SQL statement. If so, please post the SQL.

If this is not the root of your problem, please provide
additional detail about the form.

The form is 3 tabs comprising fields from 10 different
tables. Here is the Record Source Property. It is very
lenghty. (I tried using a query, but then the form did not
populate the tables.)

SELECT [TBL - Aircraft].Type, [TBL - Aircraft].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - Aircraft_Registration No],
[TBL - Aircraft].Make AS [TBL-Aircraft_Make], [TBL -
Aircraft].Model AS [TBL-Aircraft_Model], [TBL - Aircraft].
[Airframe ID], [TBL - Aircraft].Year, [TBL - Aircraft].
[Operational Category], [TBL - Aircraft].[Ownership
Category], [TBL - Aircraft].[Acquisition Value], [TBL -
Aircraft].[Acquisition Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[Disposal
Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[Certificate of Airworthiness],
[TBL - Aircraft].[Certificate Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[WS
Aircraft Inspection Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[WS Aircraft
Inspection Date Due], [TBL - Aircraft].[Weight Empty],
[TBL - Aircraft].[Weight & Balance Date], [TBL - Aircraft].
[Weight & Balance Due], [TBL - Aircraft].Location AS [TBL-
Aircraft_Location], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Registration No]
AS [TBL - Airframe FW_Registration No], [TBL - Airframe
FW].[Airframe Serial No:], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Total
Time:], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Time Since Rebuild:], [TBL -
Airframe FW].[Date of Rebuild:], [TBL - Airframe FW].
[Extended Wings], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Aileron],
[TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Flaps], [TBL - Airframe FW].
[Extended Landing Gear], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Sky
Light], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Fuel Tank Size], [TBL - ELT].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - ELT_Registration No], [TBL -
ELT].[ELT Serial No], [TBL - ELT].Make AS [TBL-ELT_Make],
[TBL - ELT].Model AS [TBL-ELT_Model], [TBL - ELT].[Battery
Date], [TBL - ELT].Location AS [TBL-ELT_Location], [TBL -
GPS].[Registration No] AS [TBL - GPS_Registration No],
[TBL - GPS].[GPS Serial No], [TBL - GPS].Make AS [TBL-
GPS_Make], [TBL - GPS].Model AS [TBL-GPS_Model], [TBL -
Intercom].[Registration No] AS [TBL -
Intercom_Registration No], [TBL - Intercom].[Intercom
Serial No], [TBL - Intercom].Make AS [TBL-Intercom_Make],
[TBL - Intercom].Model AS [TBL-Intercom_Model], [TBL -
NAVCOM].[Registration No] AS [TBL - NAVCOM_Registration
No], [TBL - NAVCOM].[NAVCOM Serial No], [TBL -
[TBL-NAVCOM_Model], [TBL - Propeller FW].[Registration No]
AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Registration No], [TBL - Propeller
FW].Make AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Make], [TBL - Propeller
FW].Model AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Model], [TBL - Propeller
FW].[Propeller Serial No], [TBL - Propeller FW].[Total
Time] AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Total Time], [TBL - Propeller
FW].[Time SMOH] AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Time SMOH], [TBL -
Propeller FW].[Date of Major Overhaul] AS [TBL - Propeller
FW_Date of Major Overhaul], [TBL - ServiceRadio].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - ServiceRadio_Registration No],
[TBL - ServiceRadio].[Service Radio Serial No], [TBL -
ServiceRadio].Make AS [TBL-ServiceRadio_Make], [TBL -
ServiceRadio].Model AS [TBL-ServiceRadio_Model], [TBL -
Transponder].[Registration No] AS [TBL -
Transponder_Registration No], [TBL - Transponder].
[Transponder Serial No], [TBL - Transponder].Make AS [TBL-
Transponder_Make], [TBL - Transponder].Model AS [TBL-
Transponder_Model], [TBL Engine FW].[Registration No] AS
[TBL Engine FW_Registration No], [TBL Engine FW].Make AS
[TBL Engine FW_Make], [TBL Engine FW].Model AS [TBL Engine
FW_Model], [TBL Engine FW].[Engine Serial No], [TBL Engine
FW].Horsepower, [TBL Engine FW].[Total Time] AS [TBL
Engine FW_Total Time], [TBL Engine FW].[Time SMOH] AS [TBL
Engine FW_Time SMOH], [TBL Engine FW].[Date of Major
Overhaul] AS [TBL Engine FW_Date of Major Overhaul] FROM
(((((((([TBL - Aircraft] INNER JOIN [TBL - ELT] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - ELT].[Registration No])
INNER JOIN [TBL - GPS] ON [TBL - Aircraft].[Registration
No]=[TBL - GPS].[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL -
Intercom] ON [TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL -
Intercom].[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - NAVCOM] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - NAVCOM].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Propeller FW] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - Propeller FW].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - ServiceRadio] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - ServiceRadio].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Transponder] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - Transponder].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL Engine FW] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL Engine FW].[Registration
No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Airframe FW] ON [TBL - Aircraft].
[Registration No]=[TBL - Airframe FW].[Registration No];
Ga Zoinks!!!

This one may be beyond my current skill level, but I'll
look at it on the train home tonight. In the meantime, I
suspect that your form is not populating all the tables
that you think it is. Your SQL statement has eight INNER
JOIN statements. I would first look at both sides of
those. If data isn't in both tables on either side of the
join, the record won't show up.

And, BTW, as a former Product Manager at ITW Magnaflux,
manufacturer of non-destructive testing materials and
equipment used at original component manufacturer and
during your overhauls, thanks for allowing me a glance
back into your world.

Kevin Sprinkel
-----Original Message-----
The form is 3 tabs comprising fields from 10 different
tables. Here is the Record Source Property. It is very
lenghty. (I tried using a query, but then the form did not
populate the tables.)

SELECT [TBL - Aircraft].Type, [TBL - Aircraft].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - Aircraft_Registration No],
[TBL - Aircraft].Make AS [TBL-Aircraft_Make], [TBL -
Aircraft].Model AS [TBL-Aircraft_Model], [TBL - Aircraft].
[Airframe ID], [TBL - Aircraft].Year, [TBL - Aircraft].
[Operational Category], [TBL - Aircraft].[Ownership
Category], [TBL - Aircraft].[Acquisition Value], [TBL -
Aircraft].[Acquisition Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[Disposal
Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[Certificate of Airworthiness],
[TBL - Aircraft].[Certificate Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[WS
Aircraft Inspection Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[WS Aircraft
Inspection Date Due], [TBL - Aircraft].[Weight Empty],
[TBL - Aircraft].[Weight & Balance Date], [TBL - Aircraft].
[Weight & Balance Due], [TBL - Aircraft].Location AS [TBL-
Aircraft_Location], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Registration No]
AS [TBL - Airframe FW_Registration No], [TBL - Airframe
FW].[Airframe Serial No:], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Total
Time:], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Time Since Rebuild:], [TBL -
Airframe FW].[Date of Rebuild:], [TBL - Airframe FW].
[Extended Wings], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Aileron],
[TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Flaps], [TBL - Airframe FW].
[Extended Landing Gear], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Sky
Light], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Fuel Tank Size], [TBL - ELT].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - ELT_Registration No], [TBL -
ELT].[ELT Serial No], [TBL - ELT].Make AS [TBL-ELT_Make],
[TBL - ELT].Model AS [TBL-ELT_Model], [TBL - ELT]. [Battery
Date], [TBL - ELT].Location AS [TBL-ELT_Location], [TBL -
GPS].[Registration No] AS [TBL - GPS_Registration No],
[TBL - GPS].[GPS Serial No], [TBL - GPS].Make AS [TBL-
GPS_Make], [TBL - GPS].Model AS [TBL-GPS_Model], [TBL -
Intercom].[Registration No] AS [TBL -
Intercom_Registration No], [TBL - Intercom].[Intercom
Serial No], [TBL - Intercom].Make AS [TBL-Intercom_Make],
[TBL - Intercom].Model AS [TBL-Intercom_Model], [TBL -
NAVCOM].[Registration No] AS [TBL - NAVCOM_Registration
No], [TBL - NAVCOM].[NAVCOM Serial No], [TBL -
[TBL-NAVCOM_Model], [TBL - Propeller FW].[Registration No]
AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Registration No], [TBL - Propeller
FW].Make AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Make], [TBL - Propeller
FW].Model AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Model], [TBL - Propeller
FW].[Propeller Serial No], [TBL - Propeller FW].[Total
Time] AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Total Time], [TBL - Propeller
FW].[Time SMOH] AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Time SMOH], [TBL -
Propeller FW].[Date of Major Overhaul] AS [TBL - Propeller
FW_Date of Major Overhaul], [TBL - ServiceRadio].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - ServiceRadio_Registration No],
[TBL - ServiceRadio].[Service Radio Serial No], [TBL -
ServiceRadio].Make AS [TBL-ServiceRadio_Make], [TBL -
ServiceRadio].Model AS [TBL-ServiceRadio_Model], [TBL -
Transponder].[Registration No] AS [TBL -
Transponder_Registration No], [TBL - Transponder].
[Transponder Serial No], [TBL - Transponder].Make AS [TBL-
Transponder_Make], [TBL - Transponder].Model AS [TBL-
Transponder_Model], [TBL Engine FW].[Registration No] AS
[TBL Engine FW_Registration No], [TBL Engine FW].Make AS
[TBL Engine FW_Make], [TBL Engine FW].Model AS [TBL Engine
FW_Model], [TBL Engine FW].[Engine Serial No], [TBL Engine
FW].Horsepower, [TBL Engine FW].[Total Time] AS [TBL
Engine FW_Total Time], [TBL Engine FW].[Time SMOH] AS [TBL
Engine FW_Time SMOH], [TBL Engine FW].[Date of Major
Overhaul] AS [TBL Engine FW_Date of Major Overhaul] FROM
(((((((([TBL - Aircraft] INNER JOIN [TBL - ELT] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - ELT].[Registration No])
INNER JOIN [TBL - GPS] ON [TBL - Aircraft].[Registration
No]=[TBL - GPS].[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL -
Intercom] ON [TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL -
Intercom].[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - NAVCOM] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - NAVCOM].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Propeller FW] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - Propeller FW].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - ServiceRadio] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - ServiceRadio].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Transponder] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - Transponder].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL Engine FW] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL Engine FW].[Registration
No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Airframe FW] ON [TBL - Aircraft].
[Registration No]=[TBL - Airframe FW].[Registration No];
-----Original Message-----

A form's Record Source may only be a single table or
query. The query may include fields from multiple tables.

Please post the value in the form's Record Source
property. I suspect this will be the name of a saved
query or an SQL statement. If so, please post the SQL.

If this is not the root of your problem, please provide
additional detail about the form.


The form is 3 tabs comprising fields from 10 different
tables. Here is the Record Source Property. It is very
lenghty. (I tried using a query, but then the form did not
populate the tables.)

Ummm... this IS a Query. Queries are created in SQL (whether you use
the query design grid or not). It doesn't need to be a stored query to
be a query... and this is indubitably a (very large and multilayered)

Hve you considered using a Form with Subforms rather than One Great
Monster Query as the recordsource? Does an Aircraft have multiple
Transponders, GPS's, propellors? If there is no record in ANY of these
tables, you will see nothing on the Form since an Inner Join requires
that all ten tables must have matching data before you'll see anything
at all.
In analyzing this query last night, it seems that TBL -
Aircraft is your basic table, and all others are either in
a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship with them, joined
by the registration number. In either case, I agree with
John's suggested approach of using subforms. Divide and

Create a form for each of the "subtables" based either on
the table itself or a simple query. Include the linking
field, Registration No in a query, but do not include a
control for it on your form. Insert each on a main form
based on TBL - Aircraft, and set the Link Master Fields
and Link Childs Fields to TBL - Aircraft.Registration No
and TBL - <subtablename>.Registration No, respectively.

Now, when you enter the registration number for the
aircraft, it will be entered into all the subtables.

Good luck, and let us know if you resolve your problem.

Kevin Sprinkel

----Original Message-----
Ga Zoinks!!!

This one may be beyond my current skill level, but I'll
look at it on the train home tonight. In the meantime, I
suspect that your form is not populating all the tables
that you think it is. Your SQL statement has eight INNER
JOIN statements. I would first look at both sides of
those. If data isn't in both tables on either side of the
join, the record won't show up.

And, BTW, as a former Product Manager at ITW Magnaflux,
manufacturer of non-destructive testing materials and
equipment used at original component manufacturer and
during your overhauls, thanks for allowing me a glance
back into your world.

Kevin Sprinkel
-----Original Message-----
The form is 3 tabs comprising fields from 10 different
tables. Here is the Record Source Property. It is very
lenghty. (I tried using a query, but then the form did not
populate the tables.)

SELECT [TBL - Aircraft].Type, [TBL - Aircraft].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - Aircraft_Registration No],
[TBL - Aircraft].Make AS [TBL-Aircraft_Make], [TBL -
Aircraft].Model AS [TBL-Aircraft_Model], [TBL - Aircraft].
[Airframe ID], [TBL - Aircraft].Year, [TBL - Aircraft].
[Operational Category], [TBL - Aircraft].[Ownership
Category], [TBL - Aircraft].[Acquisition Value], [TBL -
Aircraft].[Acquisition Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[Disposal
Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[Certificate of Airworthiness],
[TBL - Aircraft].[Certificate Date], [TBL - Aircraft]. [WS
Aircraft Inspection Date], [TBL - Aircraft].[WS Aircraft
Inspection Date Due], [TBL - Aircraft].[Weight Empty],
[TBL - Aircraft].[Weight & Balance Date], [TBL - Aircraft].
[Weight & Balance Due], [TBL - Aircraft].Location AS [TBL-
Aircraft_Location], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Registration No]
AS [TBL - Airframe FW_Registration No], [TBL - Airframe
FW].[Airframe Serial No:], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Total
Time:], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Time Since Rebuild:], [TBL -
Airframe FW].[Date of Rebuild:], [TBL - Airframe FW].
[Extended Wings], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Aileron],
[TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Flaps], [TBL - Airframe FW].
[Extended Landing Gear], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Extended Sky
Light], [TBL - Airframe FW].[Fuel Tank Size], [TBL - ELT].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - ELT_Registration No], [TBL -
ELT].[ELT Serial No], [TBL - ELT].Make AS [TBL- ELT_Make],
[TBL - ELT].Model AS [TBL-ELT_Model], [TBL - ELT]. [Battery
Date], [TBL - ELT].Location AS [TBL-ELT_Location], [TBL -
GPS].[Registration No] AS [TBL - GPS_Registration No],
[TBL - GPS].[GPS Serial No], [TBL - GPS].Make AS [TBL-
GPS_Make], [TBL - GPS].Model AS [TBL-GPS_Model], [TBL -
Intercom].[Registration No] AS [TBL -
Intercom_Registration No], [TBL - Intercom].[Intercom
Serial No], [TBL - Intercom].Make AS [TBL- Intercom_Make],
[TBL - Intercom].Model AS [TBL-Intercom_Model], [TBL -
NAVCOM].[Registration No] AS [TBL - NAVCOM_Registration
No], [TBL - NAVCOM].[NAVCOM Serial No], [TBL -
[TBL-NAVCOM_Model], [TBL - Propeller FW].[Registration No]
AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Registration No], [TBL - Propeller
FW].Make AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Make], [TBL - Propeller
FW].Model AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Model], [TBL - Propeller
FW].[Propeller Serial No], [TBL - Propeller FW].[Total
Time] AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Total Time], [TBL - Propeller
FW].[Time SMOH] AS [TBL - Propeller FW_Time SMOH], [TBL -
Propeller FW].[Date of Major Overhaul] AS [TBL - Propeller
FW_Date of Major Overhaul], [TBL - ServiceRadio].
[Registration No] AS [TBL - ServiceRadio_Registration No],
[TBL - ServiceRadio].[Service Radio Serial No], [TBL -
ServiceRadio].Make AS [TBL-ServiceRadio_Make], [TBL -
ServiceRadio].Model AS [TBL-ServiceRadio_Model], [TBL -
Transponder].[Registration No] AS [TBL -
Transponder_Registration No], [TBL - Transponder].
[Transponder Serial No], [TBL - Transponder].Make AS [TBL-
Transponder_Make], [TBL - Transponder].Model AS [TBL-
Transponder_Model], [TBL Engine FW].[Registration No] AS
[TBL Engine FW_Registration No], [TBL Engine FW].Make AS
[TBL Engine FW_Make], [TBL Engine FW].Model AS [TBL Engine
FW_Model], [TBL Engine FW].[Engine Serial No], [TBL Engine
FW].Horsepower, [TBL Engine FW].[Total Time] AS [TBL
Engine FW_Total Time], [TBL Engine FW].[Time SMOH] AS [TBL
Engine FW_Time SMOH], [TBL Engine FW].[Date of Major
Overhaul] AS [TBL Engine FW_Date of Major Overhaul] FROM
(((((((([TBL - Aircraft] INNER JOIN [TBL - ELT] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - ELT].[Registration No])
INNER JOIN [TBL - GPS] ON [TBL - Aircraft].[Registration
No]=[TBL - GPS].[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL -
Intercom] ON [TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL -
Intercom].[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - NAVCOM] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - NAVCOM].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Propeller FW] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - Propeller FW].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - ServiceRadio] ON
[TBL - Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - ServiceRadio].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Transponder] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL - Transponder].
[Registration No]) INNER JOIN [TBL Engine FW] ON [TBL -
Aircraft].[Registration No]=[TBL Engine FW]. [Registration
No]) INNER JOIN [TBL - Airframe FW] ON [TBL - Aircraft].
[Registration No]=[TBL - Airframe FW].[Registration No];
-----Original Message-----

A form's Record Source may only be a single table or
query. The query may include fields from multiple tables.

Please post the value in the form's Record Source
property. I suspect this will be the name of a saved
query or an SQL statement. If so, please post the SQL.

If this is not the root of your problem, please provide
additional detail about the form.


-----Original Message-----
It is not based on a query but on multiple tables.
-----Original Message-----
Is it possible that your form's Record Source is a query
that has selection criteria set such that it doesn't
select the new records?

Kevin Sprinkel

Thank you both for taking the time to work on my problem.
As with most of my problems it turned out to be a simple
fix. There was one table, NAV/COM, that only had entries
for 4 records. I went in and entered the Registration No
and NA in one field and that fixed the problem.

Again thank you very much for all your efforts.
There was one table, NAV/COM, that only had entries
for 4 records. I went in and entered the Registration No
and NA in one field and that fixed the problem.


That's like fixing a sore wrist by amputation. Storing "dummy" records
like this should NEVER be necessary. I'll stand by my Subforms
suggestion which would have made this ugly hack unnecessary!