Form Design

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheDon
  • Start date Start date


I feel fairly confident that I have my tables and relationships decently set.
My problem now is how to display it for my staff to work with. I need some
help with form layout Here's my scoop. I am re-building a camp database that
was laid out on one entire table!!! So many fields... So many empty fields
too. Nonetheless, we are moving onward and here is what I have...

I have a camp database that has the following tables now:
tblcamperinfo demographic info that may change (primary table)
tblparentinfo info on parents and addresses could be more than one
tblcmprcntyr describes info for current camp year. cabin, session, etc...
changes every year. Will be purged or archived...(one to one)

tblcmpracct financial information: tuition, payments, etc (one to one?)
There may be a store account ledger added to one of the fields as a sub.

tblcmprprofile a yearly profile and evaluation from the season (one to

The above 5 tables all have a relating FK from tblcamperinfo PK where
tblcamperinfo has a one to many relationship except tblcmprcntyr where it is
one to one

Most of my data entry folks want to be able to pull up and search mostly by
camper name, but other factors too (like city, years attended) and also want
to have mostly one place to add or change data and create new records. All
registration comes in on one application. Returners have their record

I understand subforms, tabs, and all that, but I think I am missing the
query part to put this all together. What is the best means for pulling all
of this together on a form?

Do I subform everything or create multiple forms?
That may be too general, but let's start there. I really appreciate the help.


That's a pretty "broad" question for an answer with any real detail...
Use the Tab Control to organize both your One to One data objects, and
your One to Many data objects (subforms).
You can get lot of data on one form that way.

You can also just show the basic info for some of your subforms, with
the ablity to "jump" (open a supporting form w/more detail) from a subform
record, to the "full featured" form. Upon closing that, you return to the
calling form.
Perhaps... as you develop your main form... we can offer more specific
answers to specific questions of design.

Try starting (just a suggestion) with the camper info on the main form.
Child's name, address, age, birthdate, etc.. etc..
And then the Parent information on a Parent page of a Tab control.
Names, address, phone, work phone, etc
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP 2007-2009

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."

I went with your suggestion and it seems to be going alright. First
stumbling block...

I have to figure out a way to reperesent/enter camper activities. It seems
to be a many to many... I have many campers who will be singing up for many
activities. How do I get that to com up on the sub form correctly... Here
is my relationship

tbl Activities (15 activities all occuring 5 different times during the day)

linking tble
Camper ID PK
Class ID PK

Camper ID

I laid out the form with tblcamperinfo as the primary set with a number of
sub forms. I need to create this "Acivity" subform. Ultimately, we would
want to print reports by Activity Area with lists of those signed up, then a
report by "cabin" (from tblcmapercurrentyear) that would list each campers

thanks a ton...


Before you spend time developing a form and then find you need to redo it or
even scrap it, you need a lot more work on designing your tables. The tables
you posted here are not correct. Start with your camper table and post all
the fields from your Excel workbook that pertain to a camper. Next, work on
your activity table and post all the fields from your Excel workbook that
pertain to an activity. Then we will work on joining the two. Alternatively,
I could design all your tables for you for a small fee.

(e-mail address removed)
Steve said:

Before you spend time developing a form and then find you need to redo it
or even scrap it, you need a lot more work on designing your tables. The
tables you posted here are not correct. Start with your camper table and
post all the fields from your Excel workbook that pertain to a camper.
Next, work on your activity table and post all the fields from your Excel
workbook that pertain to an activity. Then we will work on joining the
two. Alternatively, I could design all your tables for you for a small


Don, before doing business with anyone, check out their credentials. You
have to seriously question the ethic of anyone who knowing preys on new
users in newsgroups that are set up for FREE peer to peer support. The fact
that he constantly has to use this tactic says a lot about the fact that he
can not compete in a fair market and that he has little repeat business.

Stevie is our own personal pet troll who is the only one who does not
understand the concept of FREE peer to peer support!
He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices.

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many highly qualified individuals who gladly help for free. Stevie
is not one of them, but he is the only one who just does not get the idea of
"FREE" support. He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices. If he
was any good, the "thousands" of people he claims to have helped would be
flooding him with work, but there appears to be a continuous drought and he
needs to constantly grovel for work.

Please do not feed the trolls.

John... Visio MVP

I don't post a lot of stuff, but I read a lot. That guy doesn't miss a
moment. He swoops out of no where. Can't you cut the cord on him???



I only posted the necessary items for linking

Here is a brief (not every field, but you'll get the idea) of the tables in

Camper ID autonumberPK

Parent ID PK
Camper ID

CamperID PK
Counselor ID (from staff table)
Counselor Name (from staff table)

This one Is where I may need help
We have a number of activities: canoeing, hiking, climbing, tennis (etc.)
All offered 5 times a day (9:30, 1030, 11:30, 300, 500)
I am trying to find the best way to set up the many to many relationship here…
Do I create a table of activities, then a table of times, or just one table
of each individual activity time?
Then how does that work into a subform. How do I call that up???
Any help would be great…

thanks a ton everyone!!!

You have some nerve posting here expecting my help after your previous
defamatory post about me! Don't hold your breath waiting for visio johm to
help you. I just cut the cord on you !!!!!!!!!

Please stevie, cut the cord and go away!

Steve said:
You have some nerve posting here expecting my help after your previous
defamatory post about me! Don't hold your breath waiting for visio johm to
help you. I just cut the cord on you !!!!!!!!!

Stevie, anger is never the answer. Apparently your help is questionable,
considering that someone with only a basic knowledge of access (like myself)
can figure out. Stevie I saw in a post from you to another person regarding
foreign keys that the information you gave that person was completely wrong
in almost every aspect. Perhaps you should get a book on microsoft access and
learn about the software properly. Personally I am reading the Microsoft
Press: Running Microsoft Access 2000. That is just one of the many ways I am
learning about MS Access. Perhaps you should do the same.