Form data to automatically upldate a field in the subform

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I have a form and an invisible subform attached to the form. I want that
after update of the student first name the status id field of the subform
should be filled in as No Status Given. How can this be done - is it an event
procedure if so what is the code

Please can someone help i've been trying to work this out for some time.
One way to do this when the subform control is not visible is to update the
value, then requery the subform control. Try:

Private Sub txtFName_AfterUpdate()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Me!MyCtrl.Form.txtStatusID.Value = "No Status Given"

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in txtFName_AfterUpdate( ) in" & vbCrLf & _
Me.Name & " form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

.. . . where txtFName is the name of the text box displaying the student's
first name, MyCtrl is the name of the subform control, and txtStatusID is the
name of the text box on the subform to be updated.


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I’m at work now and my database is at home so can I just clarify this with you:

txtFname is the text box displaying student first name so I will replace it
with StudentFirstName

MyCtrl is the name of the subform control so that is

txtStatusId is the name of the text box on the subform to be updated so I
will replace it with StatusID

Private Sub StudentFirstName_AfterUpdate()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Me! E-Subform_for_registration
_form.Form.StatusID.Value = "No Status Given"
Me! E-Subform_for_registration

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in StudentFirstName _AfterUpdate( ) in" & vbCrLf & _
Me.Name & " form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

Have i correctly substitued the terms?
Thanks for your help!!
Have i correctly substitued the terms?

It appears that the newsreader has broken up the name of your subform
control. If this isn't the case, then the name should be all one word,
without any spaces:


It also appears that:

Me! E-Subform_for_registration_form

.. . . has a space between the exclamation point and the first letter of the
control's name. There should be no space.

A few words of advice: name your subform control differently than the name
of the subform, so that there's never any confusion whether the syntax should
apply to the subform control or to the subform. Also, to prevent bugs, only
use alphanumeric characters and the underscore in names. And you may want to
shorten the name E-Subform_for_registration_form to make the code more


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I think i dont understand what's the difference between the subform and the
subform control?
I think i dont understand what's the difference between the subform and the
subform control?

A subform is a form, just like any other form. It can be bound to a data
source, hold controls, and have its own form properties and a VBA module.

A subform control is a control (much like a text box, combo box, or buttons
are controls), but it's a special control that can hold another form's
properties and controls. When the main form is open, it's a member of the
Forms Collection, but the subform _isn't_ -- it's being "held" in a control
(called the subform control) on the main form, so it doesn't exist as an
instance of a separate form.

A subform control has a Form Property, and many of a regular form's
properties and methods can be used to manipulate the subform's properties and
its controls with this Form Property.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

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Database User said:
I'm at work now and my database is at home so can I just clarify this with you:

txtFname is the text box displaying student first name so I will replace it
with StudentFirstName

MyCtrl is the name of the subform control so that is

txtStatusId is the name of the text box on the subform to be updated so I
will replace it with StatusID

Private Sub StudentFirstName_AfterUpdate()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Me! E-Subform_for_registration
_form.Form.StatusID.Value = "No Status Given"
Me! E-Subform_for_registration

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in StudentFirstName _AfterUpdate( ) in" & vbCrLf & _
Me.Name & " form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

Have i correctly substitued the terms?
Thanks for your help!!