Form Comes Up Blank

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MT DOJ Help Desk

Access 2000

I've been working on a small database and managed to make a bonehead mistake
that I am now trying to fix. I needed to add a field to a table, but I
could only open the table in read-only mode. The table contained only one
row of data that I can easily recreate, so opened the table in design mode,
made my changes, did a Save As, and exited design mode. I then deleted the
necessary table relationships, deleted the original table, gave the new
table the same name, and then re-established the table relationships.

I realize now that I had a mail merge document open in Word, and that's why
Access would only open the table as read-only. I could have avoided all of
this simply by closing the Word document then adding the field to the table.
Damn that was stupid, but what's done is done.

When I go to re-enter the data into the table using my form, the form comes
up completely blank. I don't see any of the fields--not even the text
labels. I had assumed that since the new modified table has the same name
as the old table that the form would work fine. However, it appears that it
has lost what ever settings make it "point" to the table. Is there a way to
"point" the form back to the table and get it working again?

I have noticed that if I copy all the form fields into a new form and run
the new form, everything shows up on the form, but some of the fields
contain errors.

From your descriptions, I understand that after misdelete your Table, you
could not make it what it used to be even you have created a modified one
with the same table name. Have I undersood you? If there is anything I
misunderstood, please feel free to let me know.

Based on my testing, when I delete a Table, I could not open the Form that
based on the deleted Table, and then I recreate the Table with the same
table name and then I can open that form as usual. If you met some fields
contains error, it is caused by different column name. However, I am not
very sure about why the forms will display nothing, even without any text
Labels. I tried to reproduce it on my machine, but failed. Could you make a
new Form and then get the new recreated table displayed normally? There
might be something wrong the your Forms.

What modification do you make to the table? Please ensure that all column
names remain what they are used to be. If possible, would you please show
me some sample so that I will be able to reproduce it on my machine, which,
I believe, will make us closer to the resolution.

The following KB may be useful to you:
209734 ACC2000: Form Opened in Form View Is Completely Blank

304179 ACC2000: Status Bar Displays "Recordset Not Updateable" Message When

Hope this helps and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate
to let me know. We are here to be of assistance!

Sincerely yours,

Michael Cheng
Microsoft Online Support
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Please reply to newsgroups only, many thanks.

Thanks for the reply. You understand the situation correctly. However, I
have found the solution. Here's how the problem was created:

1) I could only open the table as read-only, so I added one field (all other
fields were unchanged) and then did a save as.

2) I then deleted the original table.

3) I renamed the new table so that it has the same name as the original

I planned on using the form to re-enter the data into the table, but when
the form came up it was completed blank. Of course, the new table has no
data in it, so I thought that might be the problem. I added data to the
table by working in the table itself. After that, the form worked fine.

Here's some information that may aid you in recreating the problem:

The table has a primary key of the Number data type that is a long integer.
There is a Date/Time field, and 3 text fields.

The form contains a drop-down box, a calendar control, a list box, and OK
and Cancel buttons.

If you are still unable to reproduce the problem, post another follow-up and
maybe I can email you the database (648 KB and does NOT contain any
confidential data).

-- Tom

MT DOJ Help Desk

Making the world a safer place.
"Michael Cheng [MSFT]" said:

From your descriptions, I understand that after misdelete your Table, you
could not make it what it used to be even you have created a modified one
with the same table name. Have I undersood you? If there is anything I
misunderstood, please feel free to let me know.

Based on my testing, when I delete a Table, I could not open the Form that
based on the deleted Table, and then I recreate the Table with the same
table name and then I can open that form as usual. If you met some fields
contains error, it is caused by different column name. However, I am not
very sure about why the forms will display nothing, even without any text
Labels. I tried to reproduce it on my machine, but failed. Could you make a
new Form and then get the new recreated table displayed normally? There
might be something wrong the your Forms.

What modification do you make to the table? Please ensure that all column
names remain what they are used to be. If possible, would you please show
me some sample so that I will be able to reproduce it on my machine, which,
I believe, will make us closer to the resolution.

The following KB may be useful to you:
209734 ACC2000: Form Opened in Form View Is Completely Blank

304179 ACC2000: Status Bar Displays "Recordset Not Updateable" Message When

Hope this helps and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate
to let me know. We are here to be of assistance!

Sincerely yours,

Michael Cheng
Microsoft Online Support
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Please reply to newsgroups only, many thanks.

Thanks for your reply.

It would be appreciated that you could send me your mdb file. However, I am
not sure whether it could be made as you expected. Would you please send
the mdb file to (e-mail address removed) (remove online please, it's
just for SPAM, thanks) and show me about what the Original Table named and
it's Table define? I will try my best to do it.

I believe, more detailed information will make us closer to the resolutions

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Cheng
Microsoft Online Support
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This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Please reply to newsgroups only, many thanks.
I have sent you the file, with everything you should need to reproduce the

I have solved the issue for my needs, so I don't need a reply back on this.
I just thought that you might want to try reproducing the problem to satisfy
your own curiosity.

-- Tom

MT DOJ Help Desk

Making the world a safer place.