Form Code Help

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I have some code that I use on my switchboard to render a "mouse over" effect
in my "Image -based" buttons. Simple in that as I hover over a button; the
code adds a yellow border around the button. I move the mouse away from the
button and the border disappears. Here is mi issue; my buttons are close
together and as such when I quickly move my mouse over 3 or 4 buttons the
code can not react fast enough to eliminate the borders from subsequent
buttons; thus I end up with the yellow border displaying in 5 buttons until I
move my mouse completely off the button array.

I am thinking that a TIMER event would help; so that as I hover over a mouse
button; it would display the border for i.e. 2 seconds. My problem is that I
can not get the timer event properly nested in the existing code. Can some
take a look at my code and offer suggestions on how I may fix: Code as

PS: Line 2 below (Me.TimerInterval = 2000 ) is my problem and does not work


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Function LabelMouseMove(strLabelName As String)
Me.TimerInterval = 2000
On Error Resume Next
With Me.Controls(strLabelName)
.BorderColor = 65535

End With
End Function

Private Sub Detail_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As
Single, Y As Single)
End Sub
Private Function LabelNormal()
On Error Resume Next
Dim ctl As Control

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is Image Then
With ctl
.BorderColor = 1
End With
End If

End Function

Well, for starters, you haven't posted any code I can see for your
Form_Timer event.
Second, every time you move your mouse (Mouse_Move), you're resetting the
border color of all your buttons. I'd expect this could cause considerable
flicker, as well as very potentially turning your yellow border off before
you really want...