I created a form that basically just references and underlying table with some added functionality.
The form opens. the focus is set to a field that 'must' be entered. If it is not entered it will not proceed until the user enters a 'unique record'. It then verifies the entered record is 'unique'. then continues on the the other fields
I added ADD and DELETE buttons and a list box for the record index, and turned off the visible of the bottom record navigator
After the user adds an acceptable new first entry, the list box is supposed to update and highlight the new entry
Here are the problems I cannot get past
1. After the user adds a new record, I can't get the list box to highlight the new entry. ( I do get it in the list box with the .update method
2. After the user adds a new record, the bookmark method in the 'list7' list box gives me an error
version: AccessX
I have (3) different access books I referenced to get this far and a couple very useful replies answered on this ng
At this point, my candle is not shining much light on the dark path ahead.
Any Guidance would be greatly, tremendously appreciated.
Robert Goo
(novice VB programmer
Option Compare Databas
Private Sub Form_Load(
Me![SYM].SetFocus 'set focus to first fiel
End Su
Private Sub List7_AfterUpdate(
' Find the record that matches the control
Dim rs As Objec
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clon
rs.FindFirst "[SYM] = '" & Me![List7] & "'
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark '<<<This is where I get my error
End Su
Private Sub SYM_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordse
Dim lngrecordnum As Lon
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordse
rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connectio
rs.CursorType = adOpenStati
rs.LockType = adLockOptimisti
rs.CursorLocation = adUseServe
rs.Open "Select * from tblMasterPlantList " &
"WHERE SYM = " & ReplaceApostrophe([SYM]),
If Not rs.EOF The
MsgBox "You entered a Symbol that already exists, " & vbCrLf &
"Please Change your Symbol Abbreviation!
'this ensures the focus stays on current fiel
Cancel = Tru
' If sym is not in the current table, then add it
'force an add to get the list box to add value of field to the list box content
With r
.Fields!SYM = Me.SY
End Wit
'!!looking for a way to highlight the newly entered symbol in the listbox '<<<<
lngrecordnum = Me.Form.CurrentRecor
'after the requery, I think I need to re-find the selected numbe
Me![List7].Selected(lngrecordnum) = Tru
End I
'set to nothin
Set rs = Nothin
End Su
The form opens. the focus is set to a field that 'must' be entered. If it is not entered it will not proceed until the user enters a 'unique record'. It then verifies the entered record is 'unique'. then continues on the the other fields
I added ADD and DELETE buttons and a list box for the record index, and turned off the visible of the bottom record navigator
After the user adds an acceptable new first entry, the list box is supposed to update and highlight the new entry
Here are the problems I cannot get past
1. After the user adds a new record, I can't get the list box to highlight the new entry. ( I do get it in the list box with the .update method
2. After the user adds a new record, the bookmark method in the 'list7' list box gives me an error
version: AccessX
I have (3) different access books I referenced to get this far and a couple very useful replies answered on this ng
At this point, my candle is not shining much light on the dark path ahead.
Any Guidance would be greatly, tremendously appreciated.
Robert Goo
(novice VB programmer
Option Compare Databas
Private Sub Form_Load(
Me![SYM].SetFocus 'set focus to first fiel
End Su
Private Sub List7_AfterUpdate(
' Find the record that matches the control
Dim rs As Objec
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clon
rs.FindFirst "[SYM] = '" & Me![List7] & "'
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark '<<<This is where I get my error
End Su
Private Sub SYM_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordse
Dim lngrecordnum As Lon
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordse
rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connectio
rs.CursorType = adOpenStati
rs.LockType = adLockOptimisti
rs.CursorLocation = adUseServe
rs.Open "Select * from tblMasterPlantList " &
"WHERE SYM = " & ReplaceApostrophe([SYM]),
If Not rs.EOF The
MsgBox "You entered a Symbol that already exists, " & vbCrLf &
"Please Change your Symbol Abbreviation!
'this ensures the focus stays on current fiel
Cancel = Tru
' If sym is not in the current table, then add it
'force an add to get the list box to add value of field to the list box content
With r
.Fields!SYM = Me.SY
End Wit
'!!looking for a way to highlight the newly entered symbol in the listbox '<<<<
lngrecordnum = Me.Form.CurrentRecor
'after the requery, I think I need to re-find the selected numbe
Me![List7].Selected(lngrecordnum) = Tru
End I
'set to nothin
Set rs = Nothin
End Su