form closing problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lars Eulberg
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Lars Eulberg


I have a very heavy problem.

There is a button to close a special form with the following code:

DoCmd.Close acForm, Fo

This code is capsulated in a procedure and used by many forms, where it
works fine.

Well, access stops the execution of the DoCmd-line in the special form with
a runtime-error sporadically but often. The special form is opend for a
specific record in a table and shows the corresponding records on the n-side
of a 1:n-relation in a sub-form. The error ist something like "command not
available". Maybe runtime error 2046. (I forgot to note, sorry)

The Access-engine doesn't work correctly any more after that stop . I've to
shutdown access with the X-Button. The form closes after the first shutdown.
The second shutdown of access closes the database. But then access runs with
100 percent processor usage. I've to need close Access itself by using the
task manager then.

It seems that the code from above has worked correctly in all forms until
some weeks ago. I use Access 2000 on some NT-Machines and tried SP1 and SP3.

Has anyone an idea why the simple DoCmd.Close-call fails by that heavy way?
Are there some workarounds? I didn't find any usable hints in the
knowledge-base and on the web.

Thanks for help

available". Maybe runtime error 2046. (I forgot to note, sorry)

It's runtime-error 2486: "Sie können diese Aktion momentan nicht ausführen"
"You can't currently run this action."
Lars Eulberg said:
It's runtime-error 2486: "Sie können diese Aktion momentan nicht ausführen"
"You can't currently run this action."

"You can't carry out this action at the present time"
