Again, I need to know how you are going to use this data. You can't just
refer to the data in a table like you would if there was a form. When you
refer to a form, it refers to the current record that is shown on the form.
If you were to refer to a table, there is no current record so just saying
you want to refer to a table doe snot make sense. Are you trying to look up
a specific piece of information or are you using Table A to populate a combo
When you pick something from a combo box it is the Update event. However,
there are 2 update events, BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate. The BeforeUpdate
can be used to do data verification before the information is saved. The
AfterUpdate event is used to accomplish a task after the data is saved. The
OnClick event is not so clear for a combo box. Its better not to use this
event. The GotFocus event is triggered when this box becomes the active
box, either by clicking on it with the mouse, or tabbing to it with the
keyboard, setting the focus through code.