Form by Mail


Orlando Gondar

Is there a way to tell Frontpage to mail the results of a form using the
smtp server
or sendmail ?

If possible, how can this be done, the only way I know to send
the form's results is using mailto.....


Thomas A. Rowe

Yes, if the remote server has the FP extensions and is configured to process
email, then as long as you publish the site to the server via FP's http mode
the form to email function will work.

Otherwise you will need to use a server-side script to process the form
data, written in ASP, PHP, Perl, etc.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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MS KB Quick Links, etc.

chris leeds

if you don't want to use the FrontPage form handler you may want to look at
it's in php so if you can't use asp it'll still work. pretty nice for the
price too IMHO

Orlando Gondar

How can I find that out ?
Also do you know a link that tells me how to do that ?
I hate that warning dialog that pops-up when you do a mailto:
So I guessing FP could mail me the results.....

Orlando Gondar

Thanks Chris, but I will like to learn Frontpage and IIS.
My server uses UNIX ---- CGI, I got some code to test, but I hear
a lot that FP will damage those scripts because will upload them as BINARY
files intead of text.
So here we go again, cant use Frontpage for CGI unless the server is a
Windows Server
and NOT a UNIX one.

Thanks !

Thomas A. Rowe

You can use CGI-Perl script, just use FTP to upload them under Unix, under
Windows look at using ASP.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe

Open you site directly on the remote server in FP, and then File Menu | New
| Page | Form Wizard or Feedback form, under Form Properties using the
defaults set add your email address, then save, if prompted to remove the
email address, then the server is not set up to process form data via email
and you will need to contact your host.


Just contact your host and ask.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

chris leeds

since you're on a UNIX server I'd recommend strongly that you look at form handler.
you'll have a hard time learning iis if you're not on a windows server.
secondly, you'll be able to upload/ publish the php stuff with FrontPage and
shouldn't have any problems at all.

Orlando Gondar

I got a little book on Pearl, cheap, based on other books, I could write my
own code
or learn a little bit any other, but I am NOT a professional programmer.
I only make some programs in C++ for Windows.
My Point, I like to do it my self, or take a sample code and see
what makes it tick.......
I am thinking switching hosting companies, because I want to keep a close
to exact dup, here on my pc ( Localhost ) of my real web.
and I see too many warnings and confusions between UNIX and WIN Servers.

I will check your link.......... and 1000000000 of thanks again.

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