Form Becoming Corrupted



This seems to happen way to often. Forms get corrupted when making
the slightest change to it.
Example: Today just for kicks I copied and pasted the form to have a backup.
The only change I made to the backup was using the AutoFormat... and bam!
fields weren't being updated properly, an unbound text box was no longer
being displayed.
And yes I checked to make sure the control's fore colors weren't the same as
back color. There most likely are other things that I probably wouldn't
notice unless I worked with the
form for a few more minutes.
The only solution I've been told so far was to backup, backup and backup.
This doesn't do any good when one backs up a corrupted form. I find myself
afraid to change the back color of a control let alone make some minor
AutoCorrect boxes are all unchecked.
I quess I must simply leave by db alone and don't mess with it.
Is this happening to anyone else???



Did that. The db I replaced appears to have less problems. An an ubound
text filed that doesn't want to display at all. Not sure if this constitute
corruption, now.
When I restored my deleted db (original) the unbound text field diplays



Access 2007 sp 1 - Vista Basic sp 1
Where might I go to check on Hotfixes?



The backup is up-to-date. This unbound text field (txtCount) doesn't
display any data, not even #Name, when I save the form with an AutoFormat
The txtCount is a field to display the number of records (rows) being
So, in the OnCurrent of the form I have:

Private Sub Form_Current()

Me.txtCount = Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount & " Item(s)"

End Sub

I discovered that this text box wasn't displaying anything for some reason
a couple of days ago after I made some changes to the form(s).The changes
at this time didn't include the AutoFormat. I imported a form from a backup
that was ok.
Don't know why this is happening. I'll have to sift through my backups (and
there are many of them)
and find the ones where this field is displaying properly.



My symptons aren't exactly what is described on this HotFix.
Should I install anyway??


ruralguy via said:
Here's one:
Access 2007 sp 1 - Vista Basic sp 1
Where might I go to check on Hotfixes?

You also did not mention which version of Access you were using. Have
applied all of the Service packs and the HotFixes? Is this on a network?
[quoted text clipped - 24 lines]

RuralGuy (RG for short) aka Allan Bunch MS Access MVP - acXP WinXP Pro
Please post back to this forum so all may benefit.

Message posted via

Klaus-Dieter Gundermann

Hi James,

I am sorry to say that this behaviour seems to very usual with Access.
You will find lot of threads describing your problem.

Usually a Decompile / Repair / Compact (DRC) will solve the problem,
but I have experienced the more complex your application is,
the more corruptions you will get. Currently I am doing about
5 - 10 DRC cycles a day ( With Office XP on Win XP )

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