Form backgrounds

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I'm getting the immpressing from other posts that using any type of graphic
in a form is bad idea but, I though I'd just ask the question directly. I
was thinking of using a Brushed Steel texture as a form background.

Is there any effeicient way to embed the graphic? The bloat just seems so

My application is a BE FE split aplication. I distrubute MDE FE's to the
worker bees.

Ben, instead of embedding an image into the the Picture property of the
form, how about using an image control and settting its Picture property to
the path of the image in the Load event of the form:

This example assumes a logo named "MyLogo.jpg" in the same folder as the
front end, to be loaded into a Image contol named "imgLogo":

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strFile As String

strFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\MyLogo.jpg"
If Dir(strFile) <> vbNullString Then
Me.imgLogo.Picture = strFile
End If
End Sub
Thanks Allen,

I guess I've been squeamish about having any reliance on external files.
The FE deployment program I use copies the latest version of my app to the C
drive of the Client computer. The app would always need to be able to link
to the network to access the picture file correct?

With the FE deployment prog I use (Total Access Startup), I can't send other
files along for the ride.
You could link to the back end folder if you wish.

Unless you are changing the pix, it may not be a big deal if the user
doesn't have the pic. The code will still run. It's just a visual thing
really--not like a crucial data issue.

The code I suggested is a cut down of somehing I did for one of my clients
recently. Whoever set up their database had used their logo as the
background for most of the forms and reports in the database. At 65MB
compacted, the db was too large to email. So I changed the forms and reports
so they linked to a 27kb jpg, and the database shrank to 4MB.