Forget Google Earth ... use Nasa instead

Now that really is cool :D
Thank you thank you mucks! You have no idea how useful this is for me! I've been tying Landsat 7 data and SRTM data to create chunks of a virtual earth with photorealistic terrain and topography data for this Phd - it takes bloomin ages. If I can get this app to display on the autostereoscopic monitor then it will save me weeks of work :)

I owe you a beer :D
This is great Mucks - I love programmes like this, see the world, and even explore Space without the hassle of travelling :thumb: Great find :D
Great find Mucks...Can`t wait till i finish work and have a play :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Thank you thank you mucks! You have no idea how useful this is for me! I've been tying Landsat 7 data and SRTM data to create chunks of a virtual earth with photorealistic terrain and topography data for this Phd - it takes bloomin ages. If I can get this app to display on the autostereoscopic monitor then it will save me weeks of work :)

I owe you a beer :D

theres only one part of that i understand

great find mucks :thumb:
I've been playing with this at uni for the last few hours - it is an excellent application and the 3D capabilities are really excellent. Unfortunatly it can't render in true directx fullscreen so that I could use this in stereo, however it is open source so one day someone else may make it able to do that (way beyond my coding abilities!).

I'm going to install this back at home too, as it is better at some things than google earth :) Excellent find Mucks :D
Sounds good, will have a play later.

Nice one Mucks! :thumb: