Can anyone help, I am looking to use the Forecast funcation within Exce
and cannot get it to work properly.
I have 3 years worth of Data for parts that we sell and would like t
have a forecast worked out automatically within Excel.
Excel file attached with 2 year example and a dummy part. Need t
predict in this case the qty for Oct-03.
Thanks for your help.
| Attachment filename: forecast_dummy.xls
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=368286
and cannot get it to work properly.
I have 3 years worth of Data for parts that we sell and would like t
have a forecast worked out automatically within Excel.
Excel file attached with 2 year example and a dummy part. Need t
predict in this case the qty for Oct-03.
Thanks for your help.
| Attachment filename: forecast_dummy.xls
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=368286