Tony said:
You guys never fail to amaze me! How do you know all of this? At 60 and
retired, I don't think I could possibly remember as much about the world of
credit where I worked for 34 years!
Well, Tony, I only have five more years on you, but, failing
memory aside, it's difficult to forget something that smacks
you in the face every other day ;-)
MVP [MS Access]
Tony Williams wrote:
Thanks Marsh here is my control source which I used in my report
=UCase(Format([txtmonthlabel],"mmmm yyyy"))
txtmonthlabel is a date/time field with a mmmm yyyy format but I get
#Error. What am I doing wrong?
"Marshall Barton" wrote
The text box is probably still named txtmonthlabel. If so,
change it to something other than a field name.
Tony Williams wrote:
I have a date/time control on a report and in one place I want to force
month name into upper case. How do I do that using Format?
I don't think you can do that using just the Format
You can do it using a control source expression. Probably
the simplest is:
=UCase(Format(datefield, "mmmm d, yyyy"))