Are you sure? The following works fine for me...
As soon as the button is clicked, the _TextChanged Event Fires,
turning it red.
Whoa! You are absolutely right! Thanks for the information, Seth!
What I am doing in response to the text changed event is determining
if the file that is typed into it exists or not (yes, I know, there
could be issues with slowing down the GUI with networks, etc., but
this is just a quick 'n dirty application, so it's ok for now).
So, obviously my code is being run, but the code that is being run
isn't working. Which is strange, since I am initializing the text box
to contain text of an existing file. If I change one character in it,
and then undo that change, (i.e. causing the USER to create the exact
text that the program does), my code will work! Hmm... must be
something to do with the Form1_Load() event... I'll mess around and
post back in a bit...