Forcing Second Line in Excel

Oct 29, 2015
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I am linking two Vlookup formulas in excel in one cell via the "&" character. I need the result of the second formula on the second line permanently.
The lengths of the results for both formulas may vary very much thus I can not force the second result onto the second line by trying to fix the width of the columns.
Hope somebody can help
Hmmm I'm not sure. If you use ALT+return to split the formula over two rows then the result still appears in one row. Sorry, wish I could help!
Just had a little play and figured it out - you've got to use the CHAR function. CHAR(10) will add a line break, so put it between your two formulae with an '&' on either side (ie =formula1&CHAR(10)&formula2) and make sure you have formatted the cells so that they wrap the text. Hopefully that should work for you!