Dr. StrangeDub
I'm looking for a way to force a service to take Dr. Watson dump and
terminate from within an asp.net web application (in C#).
A bit of background: I am try to code a web/WMI equivalent to an
existing C++ utility that we developed to force a Dr. Watson. The C++
version simply uses --
HRESULT result = ControlService( hService, command, &status );
where command is set to 128.
I figured I could simply call the Win32_BaseService.UserControlService
(WMI) and pass in 128 (type byte) for the control code. This returns a
error status = 21, which is Invalid Parameter.
Is the UserControlService simply catching the case where an undefined
user control code is passed in, whereas ControlService takes an
exception in the same case? If so, what's an alternative way to force
a Dr. Watson from C#? If not, do you have any idea what I may be
doing wrong?
Any and all help, or links to possible answers, greatly appreciated.
-Michael Rose
Unisys Corp.
terminate from within an asp.net web application (in C#).
A bit of background: I am try to code a web/WMI equivalent to an
existing C++ utility that we developed to force a Dr. Watson. The C++
version simply uses --
HRESULT result = ControlService( hService, command, &status );
where command is set to 128.
I figured I could simply call the Win32_BaseService.UserControlService
(WMI) and pass in 128 (type byte) for the control code. This returns a
error status = 21, which is Invalid Parameter.
Is the UserControlService simply catching the case where an undefined
user control code is passed in, whereas ControlService takes an
exception in the same case? If so, what's an alternative way to force
a Dr. Watson from C#? If not, do you have any idea what I may be
doing wrong?
Any and all help, or links to possible answers, greatly appreciated.
-Michael Rose
Unisys Corp.