Forcing access forms to be maximised

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hi Ian,

Ian said:
How can you design access forms to be maximised when opened?
Use the On Load event of the form:

Private Sub Form_Load()

On Local Error Resume Next


End Sub

--> stefan <--
I would use the Activate event rather than the Load event. The reason being
is that if you navigate away from the form and the form as a result of some
other action is no longer maximized, it will go back to maximized when you
return to the form. The Load event fires only during the process of opening
the form. The Activate event fires after the Load event, but it also fires
when the form regains focus.
hi Klatuu,
I would use the Activate event rather than the Load event. The reason being
is that if you navigate away from the form and the form as a result of some
other action is no longer maximized, it will go back to maximized when you
return to the form.
Flame war?)

I personally doesn't like both methods, because it is - in my eyes -
incompatible with the MDI concept. If I decide to show a form minimized,
switch between forms, come back and get a maximized form... it is a kind
of paternalism.

--> stefan <--
That's fine. I have no objection to your way of doing it. I just wanted to
add a fine point.