Well ... it is difficult to keep PowerPoint running when the power is cut
off to the host computer. Although, by editing the systems INI files, you
could make the user continue the presentation from the exit point on
power-up. (Programmers that do this have their own section of hell reserved
for them.)
You could even put a front-end sign-in on the presentation that would track
who signs-in and who completes, without a way to skip the middle part. This
would give you a list of users that completed the presentation, and a list
of those that didn't (by deduction).
You may also, if the user reading every word is important to you, enlist the
aid of the MS Agents to read the slides to the viewer. Personally, I hate
presenters that read the slides (even if they are electronic), and I feel it
would be better to have the agent summarize the slide, but it is your
I never design a presentation for others that I would not want to sit
through, but you will do what you must.
Please spend a few minutes checking out
www.pptfaq.com This link will
answer most of our questions, before you think to ask them.
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