Force install of new version within ClickOnce

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Within ClickOnce deployment, is it possible to prevent the prompt that tells
the user there is a new version and asks them whether they wish to install
it? i.e. is it possible to always force the installation of a new version?
What is the whole scenario ? In 2.0 I told that the application is only
available online and it gets automatically updated from the web site if

Never tried but else check and in particular the
"Making Updates Required" section (basically you tell the update should be
checked before the application starts and then specify the new updated
version as the minimum version required to force the update. I suppose the
UI is suppressed as the upgrade should be now mandatory)...

Good luck.
Hi Dick,

I agree with Patrice. When a user runs the application on a client and a
new version is now available, we could force the new version to be
installed by specifying a minimum required version for the application
before the new version is published .

To do this, right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and choose
Properties from the short cut menu. In the Project Designer, switch to
Publish tab and then click the Updates button. In the Application Updates
window, select the checkbox before the option "Sepcify a minimum required
version for this application" and then input the new version that is
currently going to be published in the below textboxes. Press OK.

Alternatively, we could modify the deployment manifest directly(i.e.
appName.application file in the publish folder
"c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\appName"). Open the deployment manifest file with
Notepad. Navigate to the <deployment> element and add
minimumRequiredVersion attribute into this element. The following is a

<deployment install="true" mapFileExtensions="true"

Hope this helps.
If you have anything unclear, please feel free to let me know.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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