force form to always be Maximized

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Is it posible to force a form to always be Maximized.
This forme is always open, and I do all on top of it.
I have it to Maximize on open, but when i open a nonrelated report, and
close it agen, then my forme is no longer Maximized.
I hawe no switsboard, i have a menyline instead.
I realy hope you understand what i am saying, then I'm realy fustreadet.
Someone may have a better answer, but here is a workable solution. My first
thought was to set the Popup property of the form to true; however, this
causes the form to stay on top of all other forms. That is not what you
want. This is
to me the worst feature of Access. It resized forms the way it wants to.
It will always resize a maximized form if you open another form and close it.
The only solution I can come up with is to put a line of code where you
close the report, possibly in the On Close event of the report to mazimize
your form again.
Thanks fore you'r ansver, I'v come to somehwat the same ansver.
I'v tryed it and it seams to work if I do like this in the close statement.

It dosen't somhow work if I onley do:

How about DoCmd.Maximize in the form's On Got Focus event?

“How about DoCmd.Maximize in the form's On Got Focus event?â€
Dosen’t work, have tried it, it sesames the form either already go focus
ore doesn’t get it, I really don’t know why it doesn’t work.

I now have Maximize on open event at my form, and "MinMax Button = Both,
And I’ve got rid of the
On the report.
And now it all suddenly seams to work, and I'm glad.
I hope you understand my English, then my program is in Danish.
Once agene thanks to you all , fore all your help.