Force Credential Prompt

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When I would try to connect to a Virtual Server Host's admin page from Win2k
Pro I would be prompted for credentials. Now that my employer has gone to XP
IE goes straight to saying "You are not authorized to view this page" without
givng me the option to supply alternate credentials. I'm launching the URL
from a VB.Net application using...


Is there a way to force IE to prompt for credentials?

p.s. In case you're wondering why I don't just use runas or something to
supply the credentials, its because of how VSH works, or at least how my
employer has implemented it. I can log into a host server with an ID that has
admin rights and open the VSH admin page from start / programs and still be
prompted for credentials. I enter the same user id and password that I used
to log into the server and it opens. I'm ok with having to enter an ID and
password to get the VSH admin page to open, I just need IE to give me that
Also, I did post this in a VB.Net newsgroup, but didn't get any replies to I
figured I'd try here. =)


Mr. Novice said:
When I would try to connect to a Virtual Server Host's admin page from Win2k
Pro I would be prompted for credentials. Now that my employer has gone to XP
IE goes straight to saying "You are not authorized to view this page" without
givng me the option to supply alternate credentials. I'm launching the URL
from a VB.Net application using...


Is there a way to force IE to prompt for credentials?

Are you really using a special port for your http server?
I think that there have been reports that certain kinds of authentication
don't work properly then. E.g. could you try it using a (default) port of 80
instead? That might work then. I suspect a different type of authentication
might work too. As I understand it the problem is the hash of the filename
is wrong and thus gets rejected by the server.

One way to check for this possibility I would try would be to trace
two connection attempts one with IE and one with something else which
works. Compare the requests. Etc.

p.s. In case you're wondering why I don't just use runas or something to
supply the credentials, its because of how VSH works, or at least how my
employer has implemented it. I can log into a host server with an ID that has
admin rights and open the VSH admin page from start / programs and still be
prompted for credentials. I enter the same user id and password that I used
to log into the server and it opens. I'm ok with having to enter an ID and
password to get the VSH admin page to open, I just need IE to give me that
Also, I did post this in a VB.Net newsgroup, but didn't get any replies to I
figured I'd try here. =)

This newsgroup is frequented mostly by people who have support issues
with IE such as questions about the UI, setup problems or error recovery.
Developers must have their discussions elsewhere. <w> I usually suggest
they try some of the MSDN newsgroups (e.g. the ones pointed to by
the MSDN online sidebar menu.) Otherwise I imagine that a security
newsgroup might be more aware of the technical details you will need
to take account of for getting a diagnosis.



Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle