bootneck02 Joined Jul 11, 2010 Messages 5,758 Reaction score 552 Dec 23, 2012 #1 For those of you who like a little bit of intellectual viewing instead of Youtube all the time.
For those of you who like a little bit of intellectual viewing instead of Youtube all the time.
crazylegs Member Extraordinaire Joined Dec 31, 2004 Messages 5,743 Reaction score 64 Dec 23, 2012 #2 That is a good find Bootneck
Quadophile Hon. Acoustical Engineer Moderator Joined Mar 16, 2002 Messages 6,654 Reaction score 574 Dec 24, 2012 #4
Taffycat Crunchy Cat Joined Jun 1, 2006 Messages 12,906 Reaction score 1,072 Dec 24, 2012 #5 Great find Bootneck - lots of categories to choose from too.
floppybootstomp sugar 'n spikes Moderator Joined Mar 5, 2002 Messages 20,281 Reaction score 1,794 Dec 24, 2012 #6 I wouldn't say I'm a intalekchewal, quite proud of my status of village idiot, but I've bookmarked that site. Oodles of stuff to watch, a good alternative to TV for this non-TV-watching halfwit
I wouldn't say I'm a intalekchewal, quite proud of my status of village idiot, but I've bookmarked that site. Oodles of stuff to watch, a good alternative to TV for this non-TV-watching halfwit
nivrip Yorkshire Cruncher Joined Mar 21, 2007 Messages 11,254 Reaction score 2,194 Dec 24, 2012 #7 Yep, I've also added it to my Favourites list. Some good science items there to watch when there's nowt on TV (which is most of the time).
Yep, I've also added it to my Favourites list. Some good science items there to watch when there's nowt on TV (which is most of the time).
historian Joined Apr 11, 2007 Messages 956 Reaction score 59 Dec 24, 2012 #8 The first documentary re, Panama city paints a grim picture of the place.Could this be a fortaste of what Brixton or Stockwell could become? I also have added it to my favourites list. historian
The first documentary re, Panama city paints a grim picture of the place.Could this be a fortaste of what Brixton or Stockwell could become? I also have added it to my favourites list. historian
EvanDavis Silly Fool Joined Jun 20, 2010 Messages 5,310 Reaction score 694 Dec 24, 2012 #9 Good find. Page has been bookmarked. I can see a lot of interesting watching coming soon
bootneck02 Joined Jul 11, 2010 Messages 5,758 Reaction score 552 Dec 24, 2012 #10 Glad it might help, but unfortunately it way to high above my head.