if you may not have known, many versions of windows have microsoft dvd
player (a legacy app) already and may be what one is looking for:
single exe
handles dvd rom games
many dvd formats (including pan and scan)
sub titles
and can be found in "C:\%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32" under "dvd.exe" i do believe;
people forget its there or ignore it or, better, doesn't show up on the
start menu (even when your machine comes pre installed with a dvd player
like mine did).
In reference to what MightyKitten (was it he?) said, there are a lot of
legacy programs already built into windows that may do what one wants or
needs but aren't listed in the start menu; just have to explore for them
(such as grpconv or can't remember the name but it was like a program
compatability wizard for 98 (not sure about other versions of windows) that
helped windows 3.1 apps work under 98 (at least my 98 machine).
( ok thats my two cents )
but of course there is always media player classic.
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player (a legacy app) already and may be what one is looking for:
single exe
handles dvd rom games
many dvd formats (including pan and scan)
sub titles
and can be found in "C:\%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32" under "dvd.exe" i do believe;
people forget its there or ignore it or, better, doesn't show up on the
start menu (even when your machine comes pre installed with a dvd player
like mine did).
In reference to what MightyKitten (was it he?) said, there are a lot of
legacy programs already built into windows that may do what one wants or
needs but aren't listed in the start menu; just have to explore for them
(such as grpconv or can't remember the name but it was like a program
compatability wizard for 98 (not sure about other versions of windows) that
helped windows 3.1 apps work under 98 (at least my 98 machine).
( ok thats my two cents )
but of course there is always media player classic.

"UN-official" acf webring
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