For the newbies: What is considered freeware?

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
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Vic said:
But be aware that a significant number of the participants in this NG
disagree with many (or most) of the definitions contained therein.

Hello Vic,

That is a simply not true. ACF recently had a very long thread about
ware definitions and reached a consensus - posted here:

John's definitions were the starting point for the briefer Pricelessware
page definitions. In general the *very recent* ACF consensus on ware
definitions also applies to John's page. (John's definition of
crippleware is more stringent that the definition on the Pricelessware

Susan said:
Vic Dura wrote:
Hello Vic,
That is a simply not true. ACF recently had a very long thread about
ware definitions and reached a consensus - posted here:

For years, Susan, Dura has had two "stalking points" in a.c.f.: 1) John,
and 2) anybody's FAQ. Those are pretty much the only times you'll see
him. He's not going to be happy unless he's running the group -- which
seems particularly odd since the above are his only bits of
(non)participation. I wouldn't waste a lot of time, here, if I were
For years, Susan, Dura has had two "stalking points" in a.c.f.: 1) John,
and 2) anybody's FAQ. Those are pretty much the only times you'll see
him. He's not going to be happy unless he's running the group -- which
seems particularly odd since the above are his only bits of
(non)participation. I wouldn't waste a lot of time, here, if I were

If my understanding is correct that, this newsgroup is not controlled by
anyone and it is open to anyone to post a message, I can't see why there
is all this biching, name calling and fighting is all about. seems like
some people just like to be a kind of dictator or just like to have a
winge, and do those type of people go to a library and complain about
some of the books there or pick up a newspaper and complain about some of
the content.
My point here is that you only read what is or could be interesting to
you, and give the rest a miss, (ignore it) in my opinion there is a lot
more waste of bandwidth in the replys to such, than there is O.T. posts.
If people just ignore these type of things, the posters of them, will not
get any satafaction out of it to suit their ego (any thanks or criticism)
So as a susgestion to the group just ignore those type of posts and get
on with reading, helping and posting some good links to free ware and a
bit of a discription and a comment about it if you have tried it.

This is my personal thoughts on this newsgroup and is in no way saying
what people shoul do, as I believe that we are all (or should be) free to
do what we think is right (hopefully).
Eggzactly... newsgroups are an honor system... no one can block anyone
(which is why a hellluva lot of groups are filled with excrement)
|But be aware that a number of insignificant participants in this NG
|disagree with many (or most) of the definitions contained therein.

So now I'm "insignificant" because I don't happen to agree with a lot of
the definitions? Must be great being you.

|Many (or most) participants in this NG do agree with many (or most) of
|the definitions contained therein.

Many do at that.
Japie said:
Just a question from me:
Is it possible to have a search engine on the Pricelessware page?

I don't know how to do that and at the moment am not inspired to learn.
I see that SINNER suggested searching via Google - sounds like a good
approach to me.

There are a couple of free site-specific search engine services
that I
use. PicoSearch is one ( and FreeFind
( is the other one. These work very well as
far as I can tell and you can get them set up in 10-15 minutes at
most. Just a thought. Thanks for all your work on the Pricelessware
pages. Jim Daniel

Picosearch is good. Another one that I have used for 3 years on mine is

Owen Holm wrote:
So as a susgestion to the group just ignore
those type of posts and get on with reading, helping and posting some
good links to free ware and a bit of a discription and a comment
about it if you have tried it.

This is my personal thoughts on this newsgroup and is in no way saying
what people shoul do, as I believe that we are all (or should be)
free to do what we think is right (hopefully).
Hey Old Fart,
I have to agree with you 100% on the point you are making. I have a lot of
respect for everyone posting here, including John and I understand his
desire for a clean ng. Unfortunately, life is not that simple and we all are
different with varying outlooks, approaches, and expectations. Life would be
boring if everyone was the same. All we can do is suggest what the ng should
be and it is up to each individual to do what he feels best. I always was
guilty of topposting until it was pointed out to me that I could easily get
around it without cut n paste. At times I get a hell of an urge to post a
funny pic of what I think would get a chuckle out of the ng, but I don't as
I KNOW that is not acceptable as that would really fill up the airwaves and
ruin this for everyone. So, carry on carrying on and accept posts as they
come and accept OT Replies from John or whoever.
POKO another old fart
your tuppence isn't cents, and not worth the nit picking, you should have
ignored the off topic post, and you can take your analogy of any post to
what ever fantasy you like and mix it up. And it would have been nice to
have added all of what I said in my post so it could have been seen what
you are nit picking about, seems like you could be one of those type I

I was just showing how a newsgroup is supposed to work and used your own
analogy to explain it. I left out the bits that were not relevant to my
reply as recommended in newsgroup posting guides. I was not singling out
anyone's post as off topic, in fact I never do and no I don't complain at
libraries nor complain about newspapers' content. Life's too short.
I was just showing how a newsgroup is supposed to work and used your own
analogy to explain it. I left out the bits that were not relevant to my
reply as recommended in newsgroup posting guides. I was not singling out
anyone's post as off topic, in fact I never do and no I don't complain at
libraries nor complain about newspapers' content. Life's too short.

You wouldn't mind (or write a letter to the editor, or switch papers) if
half of the Sports[1] section every day was "society news" and baby
announcements and pictures from the latest weddings? I'll bet you
actually *wouldn't* like that.

[1]Or the Business, section, if that's your interest.
I was just showing how a newsgroup is supposed to work and used your own
analogy to explain it. I left out the bits that were not relevant to my
reply as recommended in newsgroup posting guides. I was not singling out
anyone's post as off topic, in fact I never do and no I don't complain at
libraries nor complain about newspapers' content. Life's too short.

You wouldn't mind (or write a letter to the editor, or switch papers) if
half of the Sports[1] section every day was "society news" and baby
announcements and pictures from the latest weddings? I'll bet you
actually *wouldn't* like that.

[1]Or the Business, section, if that's your interest.

Can't remember the last time I bought a newspaper but if your scenario
was real the Editor wouldn't last too long. :-)
|No - I'm one of the downtrodden, percecuted majority. :) But just
|looking at what I wrote, disagreement does not necessarily imply
|insignificance; nor does insignificance correlate with a disagreement of
|the definitions. The two appear to be independent of one another. I
|might therefore be in your boat bro!

No worries. Always grateful to have company when sailing. :-)

|>> alternatively:
|>> Many (or most) participants in this NG do agree with many (or most)
|>> of the definitions contained therein.
|> Many do at that.
|Takes all kinds I guess :)

Yes it does. That's what makes life so interesting. :-)
George said:
To take your library analogy further. If you went into a
library for a particular book and found that someone had mixed
all the books up, meaning you had to search through every book
in the library to find the one you wanted, would you a: be happy
and b: use that library again?
Just my tuppence

your tuppence isn't cents, and not worth the nit picking, you
should have ignored the off topic post, and you can take your
analogy of any post to what ever fantasy you like and mix it up.
And it would have been nice to have added all of what I said in my
post so it could have been seen what you are nit picking about,
seems like you could be one of those type I mentioned????
I was just showing how a newsgroup is supposed to work and used
your own analogy to explain it. I left out the bits that were not
relevant to my reply as recommended in newsgroup posting guides. I
was not singling out anyone's post as off topic, in fact I never do
and no I don't complain at libraries nor complain about newspapers'
content. Life's too short.

You wouldn't mind (or write a letter to the editor, or switch papers)
if half of the Sports[1] section every day was "society news" and
baby announcements and pictures from the latest weddings? I'll bet
you actually *wouldn't* like that.

[1]Or the Business, section, if that's your interest.

Can't remember the last time I bought a newspaper but if your scenario
was real the Editor wouldn't last too long. :-)

See what I mean folks!!! Nit Picking and stupidity can't accept a persons
opinion for what it is without having to dig in and screw around with
words (what if). here is what if---- you type just skipped those type of
posts and stoped your nitpicking and smart ass remarks and posted
something usefull on topic to the group and realy show your intelligence,
that I'm sure you must have some.
Owen Holm wrote:
So as a susgestion to the group just ignore
Hey Old Fart,
I have to agree with you 100% on the point you are making. I have a lot of
respect for everyone posting here, including John and I understand his
desire for a clean ng. Unfortunately, life is not that simple and we all are
different with varying outlooks, approaches, and expectations. Life would be
boring if everyone was the same. All we can do is suggest what the ng should
be and it is up to each individual to do what he feels best.

Well said.
Blinky said:
You wouldn't mind (or write a letter to the editor, or switch papers)
if half of the Sports[1] section every day was "society news" and baby
announcements and pictures from the latest weddings? I'll bet you
actually *wouldn't* like that.
Dammit Blinky,
Don't you think its high time all those jocks had a better appreciation of
babies, coming out parties, wedding gowns and tuxedos?