Sham said:
Yeah, true. My impression is that the monitor refresh rate tops out
before both of them
I'm not sure I'm getting 85fps (I run 1600x1200@85Hz) in most of my games,
but I would find it hard to tell anything above maybe 30.
Um, no. Thats out of context of what actually happens.
I remember doing all sorts of theoretical calculations in VLSI design
back in college years ago (I'm an electronics graduate, but from the
1990s, so that qualification may be redundant now

and the upshot was
that memory speed increases do little to increase overall performance.
....thats entirely application dependant. I could write you a program that
is completely CPU limited, or one that is memory bandwidth limited.
Obviously "normal" applications are somewhere in between.
localized CPU caching and predictive pipelining mechanisms more or less
make really fast main memory redundant.
In terms of running many programs, yes, I completely agree. The general
rule is that 90% of the time is spent in 10% of the code. This 10% often
consists of fairly tight loops - you can cache that loop and not have to
access memory until you jump out of the loop. However, if that loop is
basically just shifting data from x to y, then the loop will likely be
memory bandwidth limited, not CPU limited.
Take my CPU for example, FSB of 166MHz, multiplier of 11. So assuming I can
saturate the FSB, thats 64 bits * 2 transfers/s * 167MHz, which is 667
words/s. According to Sandra I can do 7000MIPs, so unless I need to do more
than 10 "instructions" to each word I'm gonna be bandwidth limited. If you
take Sandras memory Bandwidth bench, it says I'm a little under 90% of my
theoretical limit, giving around 11 instructions.
So there you have it, if you need to do more instructions to each piece of
data than your multiplier, you're likely CPU limited, otherwise you're
bandwidth limited. Of course, thats horribly oversimplified as any useful
application will usually depend on more than just one simple loop.
Im guessing, but it looks like
modern PC designs chuck the only exception (gfx texture memory, noting
that vertex memory is relatively memory light and suited to pipelining in
a cache) at the gfx card and away from the CPU (apart from loading data
into the gfx card), so its not an issue for almost any of the time a game
is running, assuming adequate gfx memory size.
the only time textures are handled on the mobo is when they are loaded
into the video card memory (as noted above). this can cause a pause in
the graphics, but you still get the pause whatever you do. Doubling the
speed of the memory doesn't get rid of it, and I suspect that even PC
Express wont really affect it (it will simply double or treble the
transfer rate, which is incremental rather than anything to write home
about - you will still see slowdowns, and will certainly not be able to
use main RAM as gfx memory until we get up to orders of magnitude faster
than AGP x8... and early PC express specs point to less than orders of
magnitude; x64 in a year if we are lucky).
How do you expect to get from one speed to another without getting there
"incrementally". Damn, nobody upgrade any part of their computer, it won't
make any more than an "incremental" difference, which is pointless. Yeah,
I also believe that my increase in memory allowed the system to store
texture data in RAM rather than use virtual memory (ie the hard drive),
and this eases reloading the Gfx memory. the change from hd to RAM is
much bigger than any incremental increase in memory speed.
Yes, but it's still "incremental", but now it's worthwhile. It's all about
where your bottlenecks are. I'm not saying that "fast" ram (i.e., CAS2) is
nearly two orders of magnitude faster than "slow" ram, but there is a
difference, and it can be useful, in certain tasks.
And anyway, technology in general seems to have been a bit of a con.
Yes, a computer is the worst investment you can make.
They go on about Moores law and all that crap but its past 2000, and I
still havent got that personal fusion powered jetpack and cyborg sex
I don't think either a jet pack or a cyborg sex slave require masses of
compute power...