For Robin Hammond

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nigel
  • Start date Start date


Hi Robin,
I picked up you reference to the progress bar class module you have
developed and downloaded it for review. More interest than for a specific

From a educational perspective it shows a lot of the challenges of setting
up class modules so I was pleased to discover these.

In terms of the actual module, in my version of Excel (10 SP-2) the progress
form textbox shows a flashing edit cursor, which remains at the left of the
text box, whilst a pale grey vertical line progresses through the box (L to
R) as the demo runs. Is this correct?

It seems to me that no cursor would be better and a more positive progress
bar would be a bar extending inside the textbox from L to R.

I'm probably missing something.


thanks for the feedback. Funnily enough I have been meaning to fix that
cursor thing for months now but there has always been something more

Simply set the enabled property for the two controls on the form txtProgFore
and txtProgBack to false, and it goes away.

You can also tweak the values for top and height of txtProgFore to get a
slightly more 3d effect, which is I think what you are suggesting. Top at 79
and height of 17 might look slightly better. Guess I better change the
published version.

Finally, on my machine the progress bar is light blue, matching the inactive
title bar colour setting on windows. You can change the txtProgFore
Backcolor setting to change this.


Robin Hammond

Nigel said:
Hi Robin,
I picked up you reference to the progress bar class module you have
developed and downloaded it for review. More interest than for a specific

From a educational perspective it shows a lot of the challenges of setting
up class modules so I was pleased to discover these.

In terms of the actual module, in my version of Excel (10 SP-2) the progress
form textbox shows a flashing edit cursor, which remains at the left of the
text box, whilst a pale grey vertical line progresses through the box (L to
R) as the demo runs. Is this correct?

It seems to me that no cursor would be better and a more positive progress
bar would be a bar extending inside the textbox from L to R.

I'm probably missing something.


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Thanks for the note, I'll try it.

As for the Red - Blue challenge I'm sure someone will be tweaking code as we

Your current approach is to have a static white textbox in the
background and a colored textbox in the foreground which progressively
increases in width while retaining its Left value.

To get the desired effect, create a bitmap (e.g. a picture using
Paint) with the dithered colors you want to use. Put the bitmap into
an Image control and use this as your static background. Use a
completely white Image control as the foreground. To show progress,
decrease the white Image's Width property while increasing its Left
value i.e.

With frmProgress.txtProgFore
.Width = 200 - Int(nWidth * 2)
.Left = 12 + Int(nWidth * 2)
End With

This will look as if the background Image is increasing in width.

BTW I generated the dithered colors using a VB6 form:

Private Sub Form_Activate()
Dither Me
End Sub

Private Sub Dither(vForm As Form)
Dim intLoop As Integer
vForm.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
vForm.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
vForm.ScaleMode = vbPixels
vForm.DrawWidth = 2
vForm.ScaleHeight = 256
For intLoop = 0 To 255
vForm.Line (0, intLoop)-(Screen.Width, intLoop - 1), _
RGB(255 - intLoop, 0, 0 + intLoop), B
Next intLoop
End Sub