Your post to another about the Environ("UserName") feature
may be the answer to a prayer, but not quite clear on it
yet. I've checked and confirmed that it works in both
Access and Excel VBA, but it returns the user of the
currently open file, i.e., me. Two questions: if I want
to know who's in a file OTHER THAN the one currently I'm
working in, can I do that? And if SEVERAL people are in
that other file, what does the Environ("UserName") return?
may be the answer to a prayer, but not quite clear on it
yet. I've checked and confirmed that it works in both
Access and Excel VBA, but it returns the user of the
currently open file, i.e., me. Two questions: if I want
to know who's in a file OTHER THAN the one currently I'm
working in, can I do that? And if SEVERAL people are in
that other file, what does the Environ("UserName") return?