For..Next--How to count Backwards


Eric Cathell

I am using an arraylist to process data....the unique problem i have run
into is that if I delete one of the indexed values the arraylist is
reindexed and i get an exception thrown. I need to start at the last item in
the arraylist and go backwards....a for next loop doesnt seem to let me do

for i =arraylist.count-1 to 0
'do stuff here

just skips to the loop entirely...any help?


Herfried K. Wagner

* Eric Cathell said:
I am using an arraylist to process data....the unique problem i have run
into is that if I delete one of the indexed values the arraylist is
reindexed and i get an exception thrown. I need to start at the last item in
the arraylist and go backwards....a for next loop doesnt seem to let me do

for i =arraylist.count-1 to 0
'do stuff here

For i = MyArrayList.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Next i

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