For Loop and ErrorLevel

  • Thread starter Thread starter Praetorian Guard
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Praetorian Guard


I have the batch file below. It will move all doc files from D: to C: but
I'd like to have an error level if there is an error encountered it will not
continue to move the rest of the files.

FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO (move %%a c:\)

Something like this.

FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO
move %%a c:\
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto end

How do I do thins?

Thank you in advance.
Praetorian Guard said:

I have the batch file below. It will move all doc files from D: to C: but
I'd like to have an error level if there is an error encountered it will
not continue to move the rest of the files.

FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO (move %%a c:\)

Something like this.

FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO
move %%a c:\
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto end

How do I do thins?

Thank you in advance.

Your syntax, with a slight modification, should work:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO (
move %%a c:\
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto end

You could also do it like so:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO move %%a c:\ || goto :eof

Since your files names could have embedded spaces, it would be better to
code it like so:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO move "%%a" c:\ || goto :eof

This routine will terminate if the target file already exists unless you
modify it like so:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO move /y "%%a" c:\ || goto :eof
Thank you I will try it and let you know.

Pegasus (MVP) said:
Your syntax, with a slight modification, should work:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO (
move %%a c:\
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto end

You could also do it like so:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO move %%a c:\ || goto :eof

Since your files names could have embedded spaces, it would be better to
code it like so:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO move "%%a" c:\ || goto :eof

This routine will terminate if the target file already exists unless you
modify it like so:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO move /y "%%a" c:\ || goto :eof
I think I found it.

FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO move /y "%%a" c:\ || goto :eof || echo
Sorry but I think this one always returns 1 even if the move is successful.

Any idea?
Use your initial syntax (with the parenthesis in the right place!) if you
need to know the value of %ErrorLevel%.
Can you show me how to do that please?

Pegasus (MVP) said:
Use your initial syntax (with the parenthesis in the right place!) if you
need to know the value of %ErrorLevel%.
To those who want to know.

FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO (move %%a c:\) || echo %errorlevel% && goto :eof
This should really be

FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO (move %%a c:\) || (echo %errorlevel% & goto :eof)

The double ampersand "&&" tests for an ErrorLevel of 0. In your particular
case the "echo" command generates an ErrorLevel of 0 but if someone
introduces a variation then the ErrorLevel may be non-zero. You must
therefore use the concatenation character, a single "&".

I note that you have dropped the /y switch and the double quotes arroun %%a,
presumably because you're prepared to accept the associated risks.
Pegasus (MVP) said:
This should really be

FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO (move %%a c:\) || (echo %errorlevel% & goto :eof)

The double ampersand "&&" tests for an ErrorLevel of 0. In your particular
case the "echo" command generates an ErrorLevel of 0 but if someone
introduces a variation then the ErrorLevel may be non-zero. You must
therefore use the concatenation character, a single "&".

Right. Apropos

Consider the following example code which demonstrates several special
tricks of command line script programming
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
copy "C:\_D\TEST\My file.txt" "C:\_M\TEMP\" >nul 2>&1^
&&(echo The copying succeeded&goto _continue)^
||(echo The copying failed&echo Exiting&goto :EOF)
echo Continuing whatever ...
endlocal & goto :EOF

1. Suppressing standard output
2. Suppressing a potential error message
3. Continuing a line
4. Run a command if the preceding command is successful.
5. Enclosing a set of commands in parentheses
6. Run a command if the preceding command fails.
7. Multiple commands on one line

The output could be e.g.
The copying succeeded
Continuing whatever ...
The copying failed

All the best, Timo
Pegasus said:
FOR %%a IN (D:\*.doc) DO move "%%a" c:\ || goto :eof

It seems that the symbol "||" means to do what follows if the
errorlevel from what precedes is non-zero. Where is this
documented? I looked in "for /?" but didn't see it there.

- Rich
Rich Pasco said:
It seems that the symbol "||" means to do what follows if the
errorlevel from what precedes is non-zero. Where is this
documented? I looked in "for /?" but didn't see it there.

- Rich

Start>Help & Support>Command-line reference >Command shell overview

(alt.msdos.batch.nt is for serious batchers)
Rich said:
Thanks, but I can't find "Command-line reference" on my Help & Support
screen, a copy of which is here:
What am I missing?

Entering the term "Command shell overview" into the Search box found
a page by that title, explaining the || syntax. But "Command-line
reference" doesn't seem to be linked from my Help & Support page,
which is obviously why I didn't know it existed. :-)

- Rich
Rich Pasco said:
Entering the term "Command shell overview" into the Search box found
a page by that title, explaining the || syntax. But "Command-line
reference" doesn't seem to be linked from my Help & Support page,
which is obviously why I didn't know it existed. :-)

- Rich

From Help & Support, try searching for "reference", grab the full-text
search matches and select "Managing System Information from the command
line." Poke the "Command-line reference A-Z" link and that should get you to
the appropriate area - the "||" documentation is at the "command-line
reference" link from there.

I saved the link to "..A-Z" years ago...
Rich said:
But "Command-line
reference" doesn't seem to be linked from my Help & Support page,
which is obviously why I didn't know it existed. :-)

Just enter C:\WINDOWS\Help\ntcmds.chm from the command line.

All the best, Timo
Timo said:
Just enter C:\WINDOWS\Help\ntcmds.chm from the command line.

Thanks. I just now put on my desktop a shortcut to that
heretofore well-hidden document!

- Rich