For INFO only!!!! Office Admin Templates

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cary Shultz
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Cary Shultz


I wanted to bring it to everyone's attention ( for those
of us who do not know about this ) that there is a
wonderful set of tools out there for configuring Office
2000 / Office XP.

The Office Admin templates!!!! I have installed Office
2000 hundreds of times via GPO and just became aware of
the Admin templates ( Thank You to Jason Ede ). What a
dream they are.

As most of you are probably familiar with the Office
Resource Kit - you know, for those nice little transforms
files. Well, simply install the ORKTOOLS on the DC (
preferably the one that hold the FSMO Role of PDC
Emulator ) and then simply add the Office Templates to the
Administrative Templates of the GPO. NICE!

I wouldn't recommend installing the ORK on a DC. Simply install the ORK on a
PC then copy the template ADM files to a network share. Then you can add
these templates to the GPO.
-----Original Message-----
I wouldn't recommend installing the ORK on a DC. Simply install the ORK on a
PC then copy the template ADM files to a network share. Then you can add
these templates to the GPO.


Okay, will do. Is there a reason, though?


I don't think installing random applications and utilities onto a server is
best practice.s
-----Original Message-----
I don't think installing random applications and utilities onto a server is
best practice.s


Agreed. I was just wondering if there was
some "unknown/undesired" consequence of doing this of
which I was not aware or if this "broke" something ( I
would not think that it would....but leave it to me to do
something / suggest something and then that something
brings an AD Domain to it's knees! ). Other than, as you
so aptly stated, installing random apps and/or utilities
on a Server ( especially a DC ) is not Best Practice.

Thank you again for pointing this out.
